The Muslim Post
Joey Christian called AT&T employee a "f------ Arab" in the video and said he had been "killing his kind for almost 20 years."
Clips of the rant inside an AT&T in Friendstown, Texas, on Tuesday. Twitter/Mohamburger

Joey Christian called AT&T employee a “f—— Arab” in the video and said he had been “killing his kind for almost 20 years.”

  • Joey Christian was charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct, and abusive language, on Tuesday in Friendswood, Texas, in southeast of Houston.
  • Police had been called to an AT&T in Friendswood while a woman filmed Christian shouting at an employee.
  • He called the employee a “f—— Arab” in the video and said he had been “killing his kind for almost 20 years.”
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A 38-year-old man was arrested after he was filmed going on a racist rant inside an an AT&T store in Texas on Tuesday.

Joey Christian was charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct, and abusive language, following the incident in Friendswood, Texas, a town southeast of Houston, according to a police report seen by INSIDER.

A customer inside the AT&T filmed footage of Christian calling an employee a “f—— Arab” and saying he had been “killing his kind for almost 20 years.”

“People like this are the reason our country is going to what it’s going to. Because I’ve been killing his kind for longer than you’ve probably been alive,” he said to the woman filming, presumably speaking about military service overseas.

The employee later shared video of the incident on Twitter.

The employee in the video, who indentified himself only as Mo to INSIDER, said over Twitter direct messaging that the incident happened after he told Christian’s nephew he couldn’t run a credit card for a new service without a state-issued ID.

He said Christian came in “angry and yelling” and cut another customer off in line to confront Mo.

Mo said he remained as “calm as could be” and tried to provide Christian with information about store policies.

“I was definitely offended and angry that I got singled out because of my race, he definitely came in to pick a fight from the very beginning and I had never seen this man before,” Mo said.

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Toward the end of the video, the woman filming told Christian that she had called the police. He responded: “That’s fine.”

The video ended with Christian being greeted by police officers in the AT&T parking lot. The woman who filmed the incident shared the video with police officers.

Mo said he was thankful that another customer filmed the incident and feared Christian “may have done worse” if she was not there.

“My advice to others who would find themselves in situations like this would be to never stoop down to the level of the aggressor and just stay strong and confident in your beliefs without showing emotion,” Mo said of the incident.



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