‘Black Lives Matter’: Thousands protest in US cities

‘Black Lives Matter’: Thousands protest in US cities

Thousands have protested across the US over police killings of black men for a fifth straight day, with several people – including a prominent activist – arrested for violence and disruption. Demonstrations continued into the early hours of Sunday, as what US President Barack Obama has called a “very tough week” drew to a close, […]

Muslims Are Not Terrorists: A Factual Look at Terrorism and Islam

Muslims Are Not Terrorists: A Factual Look at Terrorism and Islam

Omar Alnatour Palestinian-American Muslim. Student. Humanitarian. Every time an act of terror or shooting occurs, Muslims closely watch the news with extreme trepidation praying that the suspect is not Muslim. This is not because these terrorists are likely to be Muslim but rather because in the instances where they happen to be, we see amplified […]

American Muslim responds to Representative John Bennett

Dear Representative John Bennett, My name is Omar Alam Rana. I am a Muslim and an Oklahoman. I have a few questions for you about your proposed interim study about Radical Islam and statements you have made on the matter. You have made many comments on Islam. Once even going as far as to state […]