The Muslim Post

Donald Trump: ‘I look forward’ to working with Obama

Donald Trump: ‘I look forward’ to working with Obama

US President Barack Obama and his successor, Donald Trump, have met at the White House, a day after the billionaire businessman was declared the winner of the country’s election. Obama called Thursday’s 90-minute meeting in the Oval Office “excellent”, while Trump said he looked forward to receiving the outgoing president’s “counsel.” “We now are going […]

After Trump’s win, even some in Silicon Valley wonder: Has Facebook grown too influential?

After Trump's win, even some in Silicon Valley wonder: Has Facebook grown too influential?

Hillary Clinton was the choice of nearly every American newspaper editorial board. It didn’t matter. When it comes to influencing public opinion, the 2016 presidential election demonstrated with sobering effect the weakening role of traditional media and the ascendant power of social networks like Facebook. Forty-four percent of Americans get their news from Facebook, according […]

17 things Trump said he will do if elected president

17 things Trump said he will do if elected president

Donald Trump spent 18 months on the presidential campaign trail vowing to “make America great again” by fixing a number of things he said are wrong with the country — including promises that sparked backlash. Now that the Republican has been elected to the White House, here is a look back at some of…

Trump Victory: What now for the far-right movement?

Trump Victory: What now for the far-right movement?

Amarillo, Texas – In the rural Texas Panhandle, the night of the United States presidential elections was joyous. This is Trump country and one of the most conservative regions in the US. All the polls were wrong, and unlike the images of those at Clinton headquarters on Tuesday night, faces here were bright and cheerful.

Stocks Rise as Americans Choose a New President

Stocks Rise as Americans Choose a New President

Key U.S. stock market indexes rose four-tenths of one percent or more on Tuesday as millions of Americans headed to the polls to pick a new president. Many analysts predict a modest gain in stock prices and a stronger dollar if Democrat Hillary Clinton wins the election. If Donald Trump becomes president, analysts expect a […]

Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton, capping unlikely run to presidency

Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton, capping unlikely run to presidency

In a stunning victory once dismissed as impossible, Donald Trump, the celebrity businessman and reality television star who ran a campaign as controversial as it was unconventional, defeated Hillary Clinton on Tuesday night to become the nation’s next president. Trump, 70, defied all norms of political battle, forging…

A word from Bernie voters: #DontBlameMeIVotedForBernie

A word from Bernie voters: #DontBlameMeIVotedForBernie

Right after the US election results were clear on Wednesday, Bernie Sanders supporters rushed to social media to say: “We told you so!”, using various hasgtags such as #DontBlameMeIVotedForBernie, #StillSanders and #BringBernieBack. Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election came as a shock to many Democrats, some Republicans and generally a whole lot of […]

How Donald Trump won the White House and stunned the world

NEW YORK — America, he’s hired. Donald Trump, the bombastic reality-TV-star-turned-politician, won by harnessing deep discontent with Washington and deep-seated loathing of his opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton. In so doing, he upended every scrap of conventional wisdom. With zero political experience, Trump dismissed the trappings of a routine candidacy. He insulted people. He warred openly […]

Donald J. Trump Elected U.S. President

Donald J. Trump Elected U.S. President

In a stunning upset that is a rebuke to the Washington establishment, Donald J. Trump has been elected the 45th president of the United States. The victory is the capstone of Trump’s stunning transformation of American politics beginning with his leadership of the birther movement (questioning whether Barack Obama was born in the U.S.) to […]