Govt asks ulema to play key role in countering terrorism

Govt asks ulema to play key role in countering terrorism

ISLAMABAD: The federal authorities have decided to initiate a series of meetings with representatives of religious communities in order to strengthen measures aimed at countering terrorism and religious intolerance. Interior Minister Senator Mohsin Raza Naqvi and Minister for Religious Affairs Chaudhry Salik Hussain discussed the matter in detail with a delegation of religious leaders led […]

Political Science Class “Political Science 347: Terrorism” On Terrorism Prompts Backlash From University of Wisconsin Students

Political Science Class On Terrorism Prompts Backlash From UW-Madison Students Over Racism

UW student Ali Khan’s critique of class on Facebook quickly tallied hundreds of likes, comments, and shares. A University of Wisconsin student’s Facebook post criticizing a political science class on terrorism Wednesday prompted outcry from hundreds of other students who believed the class promoted a racist and narrowly-defined conception of terrorism. Ali Khan, the student […]

Trump travel ban targeting Muslims will not make America safer

Trump travel ban targeting Muslims will not make America safer

The U.S. Supreme Court recently upheld the Trump administration’s policy barring people from several predominantly Muslim nations from entering the U.S., ruling that the travel ban was an appropriate use of executive power aimed at strengthening national security. In her dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor agreed with the plaintiffs’ argument that the policy – which targets travelers from Iran, Libya, […]

Counter-terror police investigate ‘punish a Muslim’ day letters

Counter-terror police investigate 'punish a Muslim' day letters

Counter-terrorism police in the UK are investigating a possible hate crime after several people received letters calling on them to attack Muslims on April 3, termed in the leaflet as “punish a Muslim” day. Several Britons in London, the West Midlands and Yorkshire said they received the printed letter through the post, according to reports. […]

Pakistan Launches Application to Combat Cyberextremism

Pakistan Launches Application to Combat Cyberextremism

In an effort to combat extremism online, Pakistan’s government has launched an application that will allow its citizens to report websites that publish extremist content and hate speech. Called Surfsafe, it was developed by Pakistan’s National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) and works in both Android and iOS devices. NACTA is a government body responsible for […]

Somalia Launches Digital Counter-extremism Center

Somalia Launches Digital Counter-extremism Center

Somalia’s government has launched a digital counter-extremism center that aims to dissuade young Somalis from supporting militant groups such as al-Shabab and Islamic State. The Somali Ministry of Information says the center will carry out campaigns on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and state-run media designed to promote stability in the Horn of Africa nation, which has […]

What Will ‘Actually Solve’ Terrorism Problem?

What Will ‘Actually Solve’ Terrorism Problem?

National Counterrorism Center NCTC This is the second of James Kitfield’s in-depth analysis of the continuing challenges posed by America’s so-called “forever wars” in Afghanistan and Iraq. At the height of its powers several years ago, ISIS was attracting an estimated one thousand new foreign fighters each month. While U.S. officials always believed that the […]

The Arab vision for fighting terrorism

The Arab vision for fighting terrorism

Merely six weeks after the deadly attacks of September 11, 2001, the US Congress passed an appalling law, the USA Patriot Act , which gave the US government under President George W. Bush a sweeping mandate to curtail civil liberties and carry out surveillance programmes against the American public. This was done in the name […]

US Counterterrorism Authorities Target Student Wing of Pakistani Militant Group

US Counterterrorism Authorities Target Student Wing of Pakistani Militant Group

U.S. counterterrorism authorities are growing increasingly concerned about the activities of the student branch of a banned Pakistani militant organization that’s seen as a threat to regional and U.S. interests. The State Department this week announced it was adding the student wing of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) to its list of foreign terrorist organizations. The move against […]