The Muslim Post

How the US anti-Muslim marches were defeated

How the US anti-Muslim marches were defeated

When the anti-Muslim ACT for America lobbying group called for nationwide protests against Islamic law, anti-racists and anti-fascists wasted little time in mobilising. In cities and towns across the country, counterprotesters outnumbered participants in the National March Against Sharia, which ACT for America said it had called for in response to alleged attempts to implement […]

Anti-Sharia Rallies Draw Counterprotesters in Cities Across the US

Anti-Sharia Rallies Draw Counterprotesters in Cities Across the US

Competing protests took place in several cities across the United States Saturday between groups saying they are protesting Sharia and groups saying they are protesting discrimination against Muslims. The “anti-Sharia” protesters were organized by a group called ACT for America, a President Donald Trump-aligned organization that says it protects free speech and defends traditional American […]

How US groups spread hate via the Islamophobia industry

How US groups spread hate via the Islamophobia industry

Anti-Muslim marches are slated to take place in dozens of cities across the United States on Saturday, with several counterprotests expected. ACT for America, the country’s largest grassroots anti-Muslim group described by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as an “extremist group”, called for the nationwide “March Against Sharia”. In a statement on ACT for […]

March Against Sharia Targets Muslims in U.S.

Ted Nugent Says the Parkland Survivors 'Have No Soul'

ACT for America founder Brigitte Gabriel says the Islamic law known as Sharia is taking over the land, eclipsing the U.S. Constitution, with radical clerics turning the nation into a modern-day caliphate. That isn’t even remotely true, but the inconvenient fact is unlikely to stop anti-Islamic zealots who disguise their Islamophobia as a humanistic concern […]

Dozens of US cities brace for anti-Muslim marches

How US groups spread hate via the Islamophobia industry

Cities across the United States are gearing up for the National March Against Sharia, an anti-Muslim campaign that has been criticised by several rights groups and watchdogs. ACT for America, described by the Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC) as the largest grassroots anti-Muslim group in the US, called for Saturday’s marches in at least 28 […]

Sanders Criticizes a Nominee Over Statement on Muslims

Senator Bernie Sanders criticized a White House nominee Wednesday over an article he wrote that appeared to defame the Muslim faith. The Vermont senator called out Russell Vought, nominee to be deputy director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, for an article he penned for The Resurgent in January 2016, in which […]

Islamic indoctrination in Chatham! A Fox News fantasy | Editorial

Islamic indoctrination in Chatham! A Fox News fantasy | Editorial

Most Americans know little to nothing about Islam, polls have found, yet have a negative view of the faith. Most don’t know any Muslims personally, and say they aren’t interested, or don’t know whether they want to learn more about the world’s second-largest religion. This is the challenge facing U.S. educators. And as if that […]

Study: News exposure linked to greater anger toward Muslims

Study: News exposure linked to greater anger toward Muslims

Confirmation bias New Zealanders — whether liberal or conservative — show both increased anger and reduced warmth towards Muslims if they are more avid news consumers, a new scientific study has found. “People tend to interpret the news in ways that fit with their pre-existing biases, seeking affirmation of their beliefs while discounting conflicting information,” […]