The Muslim Post

Terrorism Deaths in Africa Falling After Hitting Record Highs

Terrorism Deaths in Africa Falling After Hitting Record Highs

In the past five years, terrorist attacks have killed nearly 20,000 people across Africa. Two groups, Boko Haram and al-Shabab, accounted for 71 percent of reported incidents and 91 percent of fatalities. But, while these and other militant groups remain active, fatal terrorist attacks across the continent are on pace to fall for a second […]

Iraqi army completely surrounds ISIL in Mosul

Iraqi army completely surrounds ISIL in Mosul

The Iraqi army says it has completely surrounded fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group in Mosul as it continues to make gains in its final push to retake the city. According to the military, federal police units recaptured the last bridge over the Tigris River on Saturday, effectively cutting […]

Gunmen attack mosque in France, injuring eight

July 2 (UPI) — Gunmen opened fire at a crowd of people Sunday outside of a mosque in France, injuring eight, police said. The shooting took place in Avignon, Provence, in southern France at approximately 10:30 p.m. Among the injured was a 7-year-old girl. French news site La Provence reported worshippers were leaving the mosque […]

‘Call of Duty’ Is Islamophobic: Turkey

'Call of Duty' Is Islamophobic: Turkey

Video games like Call of Duty and Guitar Hero provide entertainment to millions around the world. But Turkey’s Youth and Sports Ministry says that many popular foreign-made games are responsible for intentionally spreading fear and hatred of Islam and Muslims—or Islamophobia—and desecrating Islamic symbols. The head of the ministry’s Education, Culture and Research Commission, Huzeyfe […]

Airstrike kills 57 in IS-run jail in eastern Syria, monitor says

Beirut (dpa) – An airstrike on a jail run by Islamic State militants in eastern Syria has killed at least 57 prisoners, a monitoring group said Tuesday. The attack took place at dawn on Monday and targeted a prison in the al-Mayadeen area, in the eastern province of Deir al-Zour, the Syrian Observatory for Human […]

Watch: ISIS Destruction of Famous Mosul Mosque

Jaw-dropping footage of the moment the 12th century Grand al-Nuri Mosque is destroyed in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul emerged on Thursday, appearing to confirm that the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) was responsible for its destruction. The complex, in the ISIS-controlled Old City of Mosul, is where the group’s caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi […]

British Government Accused of Failing to Tackle Extreme Right Terror Threat

British Government Accused of Failing to Tackle Extreme Right Terror Threat

The British government is being urged to do more to tackle violence by right-wing extremists, following the attack outside London’s Finsbury Park mosque in the early hours of Monday morning. One person died and at least 11 were injured when 47-year-old Darren Osborne from Wales drove his van into a crowd of worshippers, reportedly shouting…

How the Finsbury Park Attack Plays into ISIS’s Hands

Ted Nugent Says the Parkland Survivors 'Have No Soul'

Hates begets hate; violence begets violence: The words of Martin Luther King seem as relevant today as they were in 1958 as radical Islamists and far-right extremists carry out violent attacks on Britain’s streets. After a van plowed into Muslim worshippers in London at the end of their Ramadan prayers late Monday night, eyewitnesses and […]

‘He killed my daughter because she is Muslim’

He killed my daughter because she is Muslim

When Nabra Hassanen’s father was asked about her murder, he told The Guardian that he did not buy the “road rage” explanation: “I don’t believe this story. I tell [sic] the detective the same thing … He killed my daughter because she is Muslim. That’s what I believe. That’s what I told him.” When Muslims […]