We have heard and seen too much stigmatization against the American Muslim community over the past few months. As people of faith, we must stand together and stand up against such hate speech. As a national interfaith community, we will show our Muslim American neighbors that we support them and their rights. We will supply your religious community with a weather proof vinyl banner which will signal publicly your support for American Muslims.
IAHR’s first banner’s going up in Austin. See the video!
Our Issues
- End prolonged solitary confinement in federal and state prisons
- Counter bigotry that justifies ill-treatment of others
- End torture as a U.S. policy.
- End indefinite detention without charges or trial
Our Goals
- End youth and mentally ill inmates’ isolation and solitary confinement
- Require reporting data on solitary confinement in state and federal detention facilities
- Reinvest resources from solitary confinement into education, meaningful job training and improved medical care for the incarcerated
- Oppose religious and ethnic bigotry, especially anti-Muslim bias
- Raise public awareness of U.S. torture and solitary confinement
- Urge policymakers to ensure accountability for use of torture
- Close Guantanamo Bay’s detention facility
You may be interested
What We Do
- Advocate:
- Against Islamophobia
- Against Prolonged Solitary Confinement
- For closing Guantanamo
- Organize Petitions to end torture and solitary confinement
- Sponsor screenings, speakers and programs on the abuse of solitary confinement
- Sponsor legislation on solitary confinement
- Testify before state legislatures and local governments
- Track issues to keep our supporters and the public up to date
- Write articles, letters to the editor and on social media about our agenda
- Form coalitions with other human and civil rights organizations to advocate for criminal justice reform and to oppose anti-Muslim bigotry
How to Help
There are many ways you can help as an individual or as a faith community. Here are some:
- Educate your faith community on our core missions
- Show Hawo’s Dinner (anti-Muslim sentiment)
- Show Torture in your backyard (Solitary Confinement)
- Invite an IAHR guest speaker
- Provide advocacy on one of IAHR campaigns
- Organize a letter writing campaign
Letter writing event at Little River UCC to Senator John Warner (D-VA). The letters asked his support for releasing the Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture.