
Are you competent? Can you do things in your company in a better way than others? Is your credibility and integrity established?

Can you turn around the company? Are you confident to bring financial discipline in your company? Are you competent enough to take care of bottom line of your organization? Can you maximize the profits? Can you maximize the share holders value?

If yes, go to your CEO/boss and ask for the bigger role to play. Convince him to give you more responsibilities because you can do things in a much better way. Enrich your job. Ask for the position. Don’t be shy. Be bold.

This is what Prophet Yusuf/Joseph (AS) did. After surviving all the trials and tribulations, when his credibility was established, he envisioned to bring financial discipline in the kingdom. And he knew he could be THE BEST CFO (Chief Financial Officer).

He said to the king:

“Appoint me over treasury of the land. Indeed, I will be knowing guardian.” (Qur’aan 12:55).

The Prophet could have waited for the king’s decision; he could have hesitated to ask for the position. But he did not. He was bold, he was confident, he was competent.

The successful people don’t wait for others to put crowns on their heads. When they are eligible and deserving, they ask for the crown, or they create such conditions when people have to put crown on their heads.

Asking for the bigger position, elevation, promotion, diverse roles and job enrichment is the way of esteemed Prophet Yusuf.


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