
BREAKING: Yasmin Seweid has been located early Saturday, police say.
By Paige McAtee (Patch Staff) – December 10, 2016 2:05 am ET

Original story: A New Hyde Park teen who was victim to a New York City subway hate crime last week is reported missing, police say.

According to authorities, Yasmin Seweid, 18, was last seen leaving her home on foot Wednesday at 8 p.m.

On December 2 at 8:30pm, Yasmin Seweid posted the following on her Facebook post:

I initially was not planning on making a post about what happened yesterday, but you will probably be seeing stories about it on the news & in the newspaper tomorrow. I take the train every single day going to & coming from class, but yesterday, something happened that I never thought would happen to me. I was harassed on the subway last night and it was just so dehumanizing I can’t speak about it without getting emotional. Three white racists ripped the straps off my bag & attempted to yank my hijab off my head. They yelled such disgusting slurs at me, I was so helpless and felt defenseless. “Look it’s a fucking terrorist”, “go back to your country”, “take that rag off your head”, and so many more. Trump’s name was repeatedly said & it finally clicked in my head. No matter how “cultured” or “Americanized” I am, these people don’t see me as an American. It breaks my heart that so many individuals chose to be bystanders while watching me get harassed verbally and physically by these disgusting pigs. Trump America is real and I witnessed it first hand last night! What a traumatizing night. Please stay safe everyone & never let anyone take your rights away. Just thought I should share that with you all tonight.

Read the entire article here.

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