Prof. Adnan Badran, President IAS welcomes scientific cooperation with COMSATS

Prof. Adnan Badran, President IAS welcomes scientific cooperation with COMSATS

The President of the Islamic World Academy of Sciences (IAS), Prof. Adnan Badran, who was formerly the Prime Minister of Jordan, in a meeting with the Executive Director COMSATS, Ambassador Dr. M. Nafees Zakaria, welcomed the idea of signing cooperation agreement to strengthen scientific ties between the two institutions. The meeting was also attended by […]

Experts call for better food governance to combat non-communicable diseases

Experts call for better food governance to combat non-communicable diseases

Experts on Tuesday called for better food governance to tackle the issue of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), stressing that NCDs compromised the food security of a state. Speaking at a seminar held by the Islamabad Food Authority (IFA) and the Centre for Governance and Public Accountability (CGPA), Public Health Expert dr Shakeel Mirza emphasised the importance […]

Radical British preacher Anjem Choudary convicted of directing a Islamic terrorist group

Radical British preacher Anjem Choudary convicted of directing a Islamic terrorist group

Radical British preacher Anjem Choudary was found guilty Tuesday by a London jury of directing a terrorist group. Choudary, 57, was convicted in Woolwich Crown Court of membership in a banned organization, the radical Muslim group al-Muhajiroun, or ALM, and for drumming up support for the group. ALM was outlawed by the British government in 2010 as […]

In Hiroshima, the Vatican joined religious leaders to change the narrative on AI

In Hiroshima, the Vatican joined religious leaders to change the narrative on AI

(RNS) — Meeting where one of two atomic bombs that ended World War II landed in Hiroshima, Japan, causing mass death and devastation, representatives from 11 diverse religious traditions gathered July 9-10 for a Vatican-sponsored event to address a latter-day technology also destined, many believe, to upend humanity: artificial intelligence.  Rather than focus on AI’s […]