The Arab vision for fighting terrorism

The Arab vision for fighting terrorism

Merely six weeks after the deadly attacks of September 11, 2001, the US Congress passed an appalling law, the USA Patriot Act , which gave the US government under President George W. Bush a sweeping mandate to curtail civil liberties and carry out surveillance programmes against the American public. This was done in the name […]

Linking Lone Wolf Killers To ISIS Magnifies the Threat

Linking Lone Wolf Killers To ISIS Magnifies the Threat

While the magnitude of the attack on people enjoying a Saturday evening out in London on June 3 was not on the same scale as the carnage wrought on Manchester the previous month, terrorism and fear of terrorism is not just about the body…

Qatar Accuses UAE Of Supporting 9/11 Attacks

Ted Nugent Says the Parkland Survivors 'Have No Soul'

Qatar has accused the United Arab Emirates of supporting the 9/11 attacks in New York as a diplomatic war of words between the tiny oil-rich state and its Sunni Arab neighbours continues. Several Gulf countries and Egypt cut transport and diplomatic ties with Qatar on June 5, accusing it of supporting radical Islamist groups. 

British Government Accused of Failing to Tackle Extreme Right Terror Threat

British Government Accused of Failing to Tackle Extreme Right Terror Threat

The British government is being urged to do more to tackle violence by right-wing extremists, following the attack outside London’s Finsbury Park mosque in the early hours of Monday morning. One person died and at least 11 were injured when 47-year-old Darren Osborne from Wales drove his van into a crowd of worshippers, reportedly shouting…

New York Times slams ‘misguided attack on Al Jazeera’

New York Times slams misguided attack on Al Jazeera

Silencing Al Jazeera was a high priority when Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Yemen moved to isolate Qatar earlier this month, the Editorial Board of The New York Times (NYT) wrote in an opinion piece published on Thursday. “Qatar’s critics accuse the station of supporting Sunni Islamist terrorism and Iranian ambitions.