Kashmiris decry world’s silence over killings

As the death toll rises to 19 in Indian-administered Kashmir following a bloody crack-down on mourners and protesters this weekend, Kashmiris are lamenting the lack of international condemnation for the violence meted out on to them. By Sunday evening, authorities recorded at least 19 deaths and 200 others injured after police and paramilitary troops opened […]

Opinion: Respecting the Traditions of Peoples

One of the distinguishing features of Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr 2016 is the importance accorded by department stores like Marks and Spencer and supermarkets such as Sainsbury’s to the tastes and preferences of Muslims and their rituals. Although Muslims make up only 5% of the population in the UK, their purchasing power, or rather, their […]

A Bloody Ramadan Proves Success of Deadly ISIS Message

It started with an audio message on May 22. Abu Muhammad al-Adnani called on followers of the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) to launch deadly attacks on the United States and Europe during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which would run from June 6 to July 7. “Ramadan, the month of conquest and jihad. […]

Make Islam great again

Like 1.6 billion Muslims across the globe, I went to the mosque to celebrate Eid, the end of Ramadan, along with my two sons, Isaac, the “ four-year-old Einstein” and Albert, the “ 13-year-old SAT expert.” While listening to the imam preaching, I grabbed Isaac and Albert, shivered, and held them close. The person next […]

Rabbi debunks myth, calls for peace

The Western Wall in Jerusalem is not part of Solomon’s Temple, announced the former president of the International Rabbinical Assembly, Rabbi Reuven Hammer, in an article published by The Jerusalem Post on July 3, 2016. Hammer accused some religious groups of attempting to monopolise Jewish life in Israel and endeavour to give sanctity to places […]

Arab Analyst: S. Arabia Using Medina Terrorist Attack to Save Face

TEHRAN (FNA)- Saudi Arabia is attempting to use the recent attacks in Medina to repair its lost reputation that has been badly impaired by its support for the terrorist groups in the region, Abdel Bari Atwan, the editor-in-chief of Rai al-Youm newspaper, said. “Saudi Arabia is attempting to use the blasts to exonerate itself from […]

US Congressman lauds Hasina’s courageous fight against terrorism

US Congressman Charles W Boustany has appreciated Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for her tremendously courageous steps to combat violent extremism. The Congressman made the appreciation when Bangladesh Ambassador to the United States Mohammad Ziauddin met with him in Washington, DC on Friday. The envoy briefed Boustany about the strong measures taken by Prime Minister Sheikh […]

Why Goats May Be Man’s New Best Friend

The connection is indisputable. When a man or woman locks eyes with his or her dog, something familiar happens: A glimpse of recognition. Studies indicate that dogs are about as receptive to human communication as six-month-old babies. But have you ever gazed into the slit-shaped horizontal pupils of a goat? No? Me neither! But if […]