25 children reported killed in Syria airstrikes: UNICEF

25 children were reportedly killed in airstrikes that hit heavily crowded areas in a town in eastern Syria, the United Nations children’s agency (UNICEF) has said.Quoting reports from its local partners in Syria, UNICEF said health workers were reported to have pulled bodies of children from under rubble in the town of al-Quran in Deir […]

Muslim violence erupts again on Temple Mount

Clashes erupted on the Temple Mount Monday morning, after Islamists attempted to violently prevent Jews from visiting. Dozens of Muslim extremists – many of them masked – had barricaded themselves in the Al Aqsa Mosque since last night, and had actively stockpiled rocks and other projectiles for use against security forces and Jewish visitors. They […]

Aziz Ansari: Donald Trump ‘makes me scared for my family’

Comedian and actor Aziz Ansari said Friday that the “vitriolic and hate-filled” rhetoric of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has made him afraid for his and his family’s safety, so much so that it has affected the way they practice their religion. Mr. Ansari, who was born in South Carolina to a Tamil Muslim […]

Supreme Court rejects former Detroit mayor’s appeal

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s appeal of a public corruption conviction, ending his bid to overturn a decision that sent him to prison for 28 years. The court announced its decision not to review the case on its order list Monday without comment. The majority of […]

Israel, Turkey Agree To Normalize Ties

Six years after 10 activists were killed in a botched Israeli raid of the Turkish aid flotilla Mavi Marmara, the two countries have reached a deal to normalize bilateral ties, Israeli officials said Sunday. Speaking at a press conference ahead of his meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Rome, Israeli Prime Minister […]

Supreme Court Limits Guns for Domestic Abusers

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday upheld a broad reach of federal law that bans “reckless” domestic abusers from owning guns in a 6-2 decision that came amid an ongoing nationwide debate about firearms in the wake of the country’s worst-ever mass shooting earlier this month in Orlando, Florida. In a victory for women’s rights […]

House Democrats mistakenly release transcript confirming big payout to Clinton friend

WASHINGTON — The Democrats on the House Benghazi committee released their final conclusions from the inquiry into attacks on Americans in that Libyan city in 2012, and in the report they say, once again, that the investigation is a politically motivated sham aimed at damaging the reputation of Hillary Clinton. But the report, which the […]

Prisons, policing at forefront of state criminal justice action

WASHINGTON — Faced with overcrowded prisons and evidence that lengthy sentences don’t deter crime, more states opted this year to revamp sentencing laws and send some people convicted of lesser, nonviolent crimes to local jails, if they’re locked up at all. In an about-face after a half-century of criminal justice policies that favored long-term incarceration, […]