Ramadan is the strongest antidote for Islamophobia

Ramadan is the strongest antidote for Islamophobia

Omar H is a Muslim-American living in Chicago.* As a Rohingya Muslim, he was forced to flee ethnic and religious violence in western Myanmar, where he was neither recognised as a citizen nor given basic political and legal rights. For three precarious decades, Omar drifted from one inhospitable country to the next as a refugee, […]

World reacts: Britain votes to leave the EU

As millions of Britons heeded a call by right-wing politicians to leave the European Union, other right-wing and far-right parties across the continent have jumped on the victory for a Brexit. Here are some reactions: Marine Le Pen, head of the aggressively anti-immigration, far-right National Front in France, tweeted : “Victory for freedom! As I […]

Report: Islamophobia is a multimillion-dollar industry

More than $200m was spent towards promoting “fear and hatred” of Muslims in the United States by various organisations between 2008 and 2013, according to a fresh joint report by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the University of California, Berkeley. Released on Monday, the report identifies 74 groups, including feminist, Christian, Zionist and […]

Why Islam Needs Feminist Voices

A few weeks ago, just prior to the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Pakistan’s Council of Islamic Ideology met in Islamabad. The agenda for the meeting was packed, and 19 of the Council’s 20 members were present. The main issue for debate was the question of whether the Protection of Women Against […]

FBI Just Not Ready To Tell America How Gay Orlando Shooter Was

OR DOES IT? So this is weird, and now we are more confused than we were before: FBI investigators so far have not turned up persuasive evidence that Orlando gunman Omar Mateen was pursuing gay relationships, according to two government officials familiar with the investigation. The FBI began investigating that possibility after media reports last […]

FBI can’t verify gay claims concerning Omar Mateen, the Orlando shooter: Reports

Federal investigators have so far been unable to corroborate claims made by individuals who say they spoke with Omar Mateen on gay dating apps before he opened fire inside an Orlando nightclub this month, officials said Thursday. Contrary to accusations made in the aftermath of the June 12 mass shooting, investigators have failed to find […]

Five myths about sharia

By Asifa Quraishi-Landes June 24 at 12:47 PM Asifa Quraishi-Landes is an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin School of Law. Clearly, Americans fear sharia, Islam’s legal framework. At least nine states have passed “foreign law” statutes banning sharia in American courts — even though no U.S. court has ever ruled based on sharia. […]