Sarah Palin Is Drunk-Facebooking Again

Half-Governor Sarah should put down the beer before she takes to Facebook, because her latest rant just makes her look…stupid. “OBAMA IS A SPECIAL KIND OF STUPID,” she screamed at her Facebook readers. “Enough is enough, Mr. President. There’s no ‘due respect’ due you after pulling this stunt.” The stunt was President Obama’s call earlier […]

Homeland Security: Don’t use terms like ‘sharia’ ‘jihad’

A Homeland Security Department report says words like “jihad” and “sharia” should not be used. Under the section on terminology, the report calls for rejecting use of an “us versus them” mentality by shunning Islamic language in “Countering Violent Extremism” programs, or CVE, the Obama administration’s euphemism that seeks to avoid references to Islam. Under […]

N.J. Muslim leaders condemn Florida shooting, defend their faith

The interfaith service for one of the world’s most recognizable Muslims was bound in unity and cloaked in understanding and peace. An imam, two rabbis, a Catholic priest, a Mormon and a Native American leader were among the speakers who celebrated Muhammad Ali’s life last week. “That’s the oneness of humanity,” said Imam Mateen Aqeel […]

Huckabee: President Trump would be great for Israel

Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas who took part in the Republican primaries, spoke to Israel’s Army Radio in supporting presidential candidate Donald Trump and his statements against Muslims. Trump recently called for closing the United States’ borders to Muslims and mocked those who condemned him for it. “Right here in Israel, Muslims don”t […]

Trump, Christie’s word war on radicalized Islamists | Editorial

Our nominee for the silliest debate of the month is the kerfuffle over the term “radical Islam.” President Obama won’t use the phrase. He believes it suggests to some that Islam itself is radical, and that message could drive another wedge between Muslims and the West that could help groups like ISIS push their apocalyptic […]