Muslim/Jewish (Social Experiment)

What’s up guys, We went out dressed in a Arab/Muslim and Jewish traditional outfit, walked hand to hand in public to see how people react.

Fight the fear. Share hope.

Politicians and the media too often peddle fear of extremism. But their focus on problems doesn’t tell the whole story.

Saudi Plan For Economic Reform Draws Cautious Praise

A sweeping plan to wean Saudi Arabia from its dependence on oil, unveiled early Monday, has drawn cautious praise in global and domestic policy circles. But the economic reforms also invited renewed criticism over the kingdom’s poor record on human rights and gender equality, and its controversial intervention in Yemen. Deputy Prince Mohammed bin Salman […]

5 Reasons You Have To Be Tolerant Of Bigotry To Support Donald Trump

It’s all just an act. That’s what Donald Trump’s new, more professional staff – led by former war crimes advocate and old H.W. Bush/Dole convention delegate wrangler Paul Manafort – wants GOP insiders to know about the buffoonery of the billion-dollar baby they’re about to nominate to be president. “When he’s out on the stage, […]

Why anti-Muslim hate statistics don’t tell the full story

The number of police-reported hate crimes against Muslim-Canadians more than doubled over a three-year period (2012 to 2014), according to figures released by Statistics Canada earlier this month. Meanwhile in the US, various groups, including the FBI, have documented an eight-fold increase in hate crime since 2000. As alarming as these figures are, they don’t […]

Uber driver fined for refusing to take a passenger’s guide dog

CHARLOTTE, N.C., April 25, 2016 – Uber is catching heat again. This time it’s not from cab companies or disgruntled drivers. Rather, it concerns blind people and guide dogs. As we have come to know so well these days, this UK story is more about what it doesn’t say than what it does. The online […]

Zaid Jilani: There Is an Islamophobia Industry in the US That Makes a Lot of Money

TEHRAN (FNA)- Some of the US presidential candidates have made remarks in the recent months which offended many American-Muslims and stirred a debate on the reemergence of anti-Muslim sentiments in the United States. Ben Carson of the Republican Party said he “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.” A […]

Is China changing its policy towards Uighur Muslims?

Has China just issued its first conciliatory statement towards the Uighur Muslim ethnic group, which has been persecuted for years? And has it done so out of fear or embarrassment that Uighur Islamic militants have now gone global, fighting for Islamic causes in many corners of the globe? Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, speaking to […]

Number of Palestinian minors in prisons soars amid violence

Tel Aviv (dpa) – The number of Palestinian minors held in Israeli prisons has soared following a wave of violence that started in October, the Israel Prison Service said Sunday. A spokesman for the prison system said 438 Palestinian minors were in its custody in February, up from 170 in September. However a 12-year-old girl, […]

White House to release earth-shattering 9/11 report

The White House is anticipated to soon release a 28-page secret section of the congressional inquiry into the 9/11 attacks which allegedly shows the Saudi government was involved, according to reports Sunday. The 28-page document which is kept in a secure room in the basement of the Capitol building talks about foreign support for some […]