The Muslim Post

‘Muslims are suffering from injustice’

Foreign Minister of Bangladesh AH Mahmood Ali MP at the CFM preparatory at the 13th Islamic Summit Conference; Istanbul, Turkey, said that Muslims are suffering from injustice, indignity and deprivation. We are often divided, weakened and exhausted in fratricidal civil wars and sectarian conflicts. Our internal feuds are drawing the entire Middle East and beyond […]

Beware of ‘What British Muslims Really Think?’

If the title were the only issue, maybe it wouldn’t be worth mentioning. But as it is, the documentary What British Muslims Really Think, which aired on Britain’s Channel 4 on April 13, is so full of problems that we might as well start there. Because it does seem a tiny bit troublesome, suggesting as […]

The orthodoxy’s challenge

THE PML-N governments at the centre and in Punjab are apparently too busy protecting themselves against the Panama leaks’ fallout to take note of the tightening of the state’s siege by the religious orthodoxy. It is time the citizens sought a few clarifications about what is what from the ulema and the political authorities both. […]

Saudi King Urges Stronger Islamic Unity to Defeat Terrorism

WASHINGTON, April 14, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz today urged solidarity and unity among Muslims to fight terrorism and bring about peace and security in the region. King Salman made these remarks during a speech at the 13 th Islamic Summit Conference of the Organization of Islamic […]

Hundreds of Egyptians stage anti-Sisi protest

Egyptian security forces fired tear gas and live ammunition into the sky to scatter hundreds of protesters demonstrating on Friday against the government of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. Protesters gathered in the Giza area of Cairo after Friday prayers calling for the overthrow of the “regime”, chanting slogans that were common during the 2011 revolution […]

The roots of extremism

In the aftermath of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists’ (ICIJ) release of the Panama Papers, it has become public knowledge how many powerful people, including world leaders, have kept, circulated, and hidden away huge sums of money using tax havens. The Panama Papers also reveal a certain fact about Pakistan: it is not a […]

Islamic world leaders seek to bridge differences

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is hosting over 30 heads of state and government from Islamic countries in Istanbul for a summit aimed at overcoming differences in the Muslim world. The two-day summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) got under way at 06:30 GMT on Thursday with a speech by Erdogan. The summit […]

Turkey urges unity to fight terrorism as Muslim leaders meet in Istanbul

Fighting terrorism was top of the agenda at the Islamic Summit as more than 30 leaders of the Muslim world gathered in Istanbul. It was notable for the attendance of the Saudi King and Iranian President, who support opposing sides in conflicts in Yemen and Syria. Both countries have accused the other of funding terrorism […]

Rep. Keith Ellison Responds To ISIS Threats

U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota fired back after an ISIS propaganda magazine made death threats against him and other Muslim political leaders in the West. ISIS propaganda publication Dabiq published threats to many high-profile moderate Muslims in Western countries including Ellison, Hillary Clinton aid Huma Abedin, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad and British […]

Does the Muslim world have the leaders it needs?

As more than 30 leaders from Islamic countries gather in the Turkish city of Istanbul, the main message has been one of unity. But many say it’s hard to disguise the fact the Muslim world is deeply divided. The leaders of two of the biggest countries in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia and Iran, are […]