The Muslim Post

J Street, JCPA gatherings grapple with Jewish advocacy under Trump

J Street, JCPA gatherings grapple with Jewish advocacy under Trump

Jewish groups’ traditional support for immigration may clash with new White House, while left-wing advocates contemplate ‘some really important fights ahead’ By Ron Kampeas J Street U students march on the White House on February 25, 2017, the eve of J Street’s annual conference. (J Street via JTA) WASHINGTON (JTA) — J Street, the liberal […]

Abbas: Defend two-state-solution for a Palestine state

Abbas: Defend two-state-solution for a Palestine state

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has called on the international community to defend the two-state-solution in an address at the opening of the 34th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR). Abbas warned member states delivered on Monday that Israel was moving towards an “apartheid solution” in Palestine in light of a new […]

Netanyahu said to backtrack on pledge for new Amona settlement

Netanyahu said to backtrack on pledge for new Amona settlement

Amid Trump request to ‘hold back’ on construction, Netanyahu reported to tell cabinet that government may renege on promise to evicted families; ministers mum By Raoul Wootliff US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shake hands during a joint press conference at the White House in Washington, DC on February 15, 2017.

Ex-officials: Israeli leader spurned secret peace offer

Ex-officials: Israeli leader spurned secret peace offer

Israel’s prime minister turned down a regional peace initiative last year that was brokered by then-American Secretary of State John Kerry, former US officials confirmed on Sunday. The revelation, first reported by the Haaretz daily, was in apparent contradiction to Benjamin Netanyahu’s stated goal of involving regional Arab powers in resolving Israel’s conflict with the […]

Trump Has Got Palestinians Worried

Ted Nugent Says the Parkland Survivors 'Have No Soul'

Israel’s illegal construction of settlements and its forced displacement of Palestinian communities had intensified well before U.S. President Donald Trump met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House on Wednesday. It is therefore not surprising that most Palestinians have been bracing for more ruthless Israeli policies following this meeting. Trump’s sharp departure from […]

Palestinians ask Israeli court to reject land grab law

Palestinians ask Israeli court to reject land grab law

Some 17 Palestinian municipalities in the occupied West Bank have petitioned the Israeli Supreme Court to strike down a new law that retroactively sanctions the theft of their lands by settlers. Lawyers representing the villages, who filed their petition on Wednesday, have in the meantime asked the court to impose an immediate freeze on…

UN condemns huge Israeli settlement plan

UN condemns huge Israeli settlement plan

The United Nations has denounced recent Israeli initiatives to accelerate settlement construction in occupied Palestinian territory, stressing that “unilateral actions” are an obstacle to peace based on a two-state solution. “For the secretary-general there is no plan B for the two states solution,” UN chief Antonio Guterres’s spokesman Stephane Dujarric said on Tuesday.

Hamas warns Trump against moving embassy to Jerusalem

Hamas warns Trump against moving embassy to Jerusalem

Hamas spokesman Osama Hamdan has warned US President Donald Trump not to add “more oil on the fire” by moving the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Hamdan’s comments came in response to promises made by Trump and his administration to make the move – a decision that would effectively recognise East […]

Iraqi Cleric Warns Moving US Embassy In Israel Would Mean War

One of President Donald Trump’s major campaign promises involved moving the United States embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, something no president has ever done before. The plan was denounced by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, but a prominent Iraqi cleric said Tuesday it could mean war. “Transferring the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem would […]

Israel approves permits for 566 settler homes

Israel approves permits for 566 settler homes

Israeli authorities have approved building permits for 566 settler homes in occupied East Jerusalem, according to local officials, a move that has drawn condemnation by Palestinian leaders. The approval of the construction plan on Sunday came two days after the inauguration of Donald Trump in the United States, with Israeli official saying the permits had […]