The Muslim Post

IS Bomb Kills More Than 20 Displaced People in Syria

IS Bomb Kills More Than 20 Displaced People in Syria

At least 20 internally displaced persons were killed by a car bomb Friday in Syria — an attack blamed on Islamic State. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor put the death toll at 26, adding that 12 of the victims were children. Syrian state broadcaster SANA said that 30 others were injured at a […]

Boston Jihadi Plot Gets Top ISIS Leader in Syria Killed

U.S. Puts $5 Million Bounty On Pakistani Taliban Leader

It was dark and dank early on the morning of June 2, 2015, as a pelting rain slicked the roads and pinged off the windows of a townhouse in the bucolic blue-collar Boston neighborhood of Roslindale. The noise woke Usaamah Abdullah Rahim with a start just before 5 a.m., but he was happy to be […]

Scrambling to Track Islamic State Terrorists, Coalition Turns to Biometrics

Scrambling to Track Islamic State Terrorists, Coalition Turns to Biometrics

As U.S.-backed forces made their final push into the city of Raqqa to liberate what had once been the Syrian capital of the Islamic State’s self-declared caliphate, they faced a problem. Not only were the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) holding IS fighters — some captured and some who had surrendered — they were also encountering […]

Bin Laden’s Son Orders Muslims to Attack Agents Of U.S.

U.S. Puts $5 Million Bounty On Pakistani Taliban Leader

The new face of Al-Qaeda and the son of the mastermind of the deadliest attack in U.S. history, Hamza bin Laden, released a new audio message on Tuesday, calling on Muslims around the world to avenge his father Osama’s death in 2011. In a 25-minute video titled “Osama The Fighter Against Invaders & Inciter of […]

World Economic Forum: Silicon Valley Must Stem IS Violent Content

World Economic Forum: Silicon Valley Must Stem IS Violent Content

The World Economic Forum’s human rights council report issued on Monday, warns that tech companies might risk tougher regulations by governments to limit freedom of speech if they do not stem the publishing of violent content by Islamic State and the spread of misinformation. The report urged tech companies to employ thorough monitoring on their […]

The Empire Files: The Most Dangerous Year for Muslims in America

Abby Martin interviews Dr. Deepa Kumar, professor of media studies at Rutgers University and author of Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire, about the roots of this alarming situation. From confronting right-wing arguments, to examining the reality behind Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims, to how Islamophobia is a reinforcement and basis for the structures […]

Anti-Muslim group confronted by protesters in Quebec

Anti-Muslim group confronted by protesters in Quebec

Anti-immigration and anti-Muslim groups clashed with counter-protesters in Ottawa, Saturday, along the Quebec border where thousands of asylum seekers have crossed into the country since January. On Ottawa’s Parliament Hill, the seat of the federal government, a few dozen members of a far-right alliance called the Canadian Coalition of Concerned Citizens (CCCC) protested opposition to […]

Transcripts detail plot to bomb Somali refugees in Kansas

Prosecutors: Men accused of conspiring to bomb a mosque, apartment complex housing Somali refugees in Kansas also discussed killing the white landlord   WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — Three men accused of conspiring to bomb a Kansas mosque and an apartment complex housing Somali refugees also allegedly discussed killing the refugees’ white landlord because he rented […]

Isis Leader Abu Bakr Al-baghdadi Speaks in New Audio

U.S. Puts $5 Million Bounty On Pakistani Taliban Leader

The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) has released a new audio message delivered by its elusive leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who had not spoken since November 2016, in which he mentions North Korea’s “nuclear threat to the U.S.” The audio suggests he remains alive despite speculation over his fate. “The North Koreans have begun threatening […]

Islamic State’s Hacking Skills Are ‘Garbage,’ Says Senior Security Researcher

Islamic State group hackers hinder the group because of their poor coding abilities, according to security researchers. Kyle Wilhoit, a senior security researcher at DomainTools, said ISIS creates easily crackable encryption programs. The United Cyber Caliphate (UCC) was created when 17 different hacker groups pledged allegiance to ISIS. The group’s coding skills are “garbage,” Wilhoit […]