The Muslim Post

Trump Welcomes Anti-Muslim Activist To White House

Brigitte Gabriel , who founded the anti-Muslim group known as ACT for America, made a visit to the White House Tuesday and called her talks with members of President Donald Trump’s administration “productive.” Gabriel and a colleague were at the White House to “participate in a brief meeting with a member of our legislative staff.

Shattering the Myth of Dutch Tolerance

Ted Nugent Says the Parkland Survivors 'Have No Soul'

This article originally appeared on The Conversation. The Dutch elections on March 15 have received a lot of attention in the international media. The reason for the attention is clear: A Trump lookalike populist, Geert Wilders, was rumored to win big as part of a Western populist movement that some call the “Patriotic Spring.” His […]

How Geert Wilders Lost Power But Gained Influence

As results flooded in after the Dutch general election, incumbent Prime Minister Mark Rutte was beaming. The country, he said, had hit back against far-right, anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders and the hate he espoused. Wilders’s Party for Freedom came a distant second, with 20 seats, to Rutte’s People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, which won […]

Ahead of French poll, pro-Europeans take heart from Wilders defeat

After Brexit and Trump, many pro-EU politicians were beginning to dread a wave of right-wing populism that might reach the Netherlands and, most dangerously for the bloc, France. The Dutch election results have them breathing a sigh of relief, though not all observers are convinced. Paris (dpa) – It’s the nightmare haunting European Union leaders […]

Texas Teacher Under Fire For Anti-Muslim Tweets

Texas Teacher Under Fire For Anti-Muslim Tweets

A Houston school teacher has been condemned and faces an investigation after sending out a series of anti-Islamic tweets. One of the tweets reads, “Embrace Islam and you embrace death”; he also sent out violent photos of mutilated children with the caption, “Islam did this,” according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). The teacher, […]

US State Lawmaker to Muslims: ‘Do You Beat Your Wife?’

US State Lawmaker to Muslims: 'Do You Beat Your Wife?'

Islamic school students hoped to meet last week with a state representative at Oklahoma’s capitol during Muslim Day, designed to combat hate rhetoric and hate legislation. Instead, in the office of one representative, the students were asked to answer several written questions, including “Mohammed was a killer of pagans, Christians and Jews that did not […]

Trump Aides Won’t Say Islam Is A Religion

President Donald Trump’s top aides have avoided providing a simple answer to a question particularly relevant to his first 100 days in the White House: Does the president think Islam is a religion? Trump has so far signed off on an executive order restricting travel from seven Muslim-majority nations, initially offering priority refugee status and […]

Golden State of Hate: Extremism on the Rise in Calif.

Ted Nugent Says the Parkland Survivors 'Have No Soul'

Capital & Main is an award-winning publication that reports from California on economic, political and social issues. On election night last November, Nathan Damigo, a 30-year-old white nationalist and student at California State University, Stanislaus, met up with friends in the northern California city of Folsom. As they bounced from bar to bar, it became […]

Anti-Islam Banner Suggests Muslims Endanger Americans

Anti-Islam Banner Suggests Muslims Endanger Americans

A man has defended posting an anti-Islam banner outside of his southern California home by echoing the message of President Donald Trump, saying “We need to take care of America first.” The banner outside a house in the town of Ontario featured symbols for Christianity and Judaism and the word “Islam” crossed out in the […]

Wilders Suspends Campaign Over Security Leaks

Controversial anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders, whose party had long led the polls ahead of next month’s Dutch general election, has suspended his campaign after a security agent allegedly leaked information on his whereabouts to a Dutch-Moroccan criminal gang. Wilders, who had been receiving 24-hour state protection, announced the move after reports emerged that an employee […]