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Prof. Adnan Badran, President IAS welcomes scientific cooperation with COMSATS

Prof. Adnan Badran, President IAS welcomes scientific cooperation with COMSATS

The President of the Islamic World Academy of Sciences (IAS), Prof. Adnan Badran, who was formerly the Prime Minister of Jordan, in a meeting with the Executive Director COMSATS, Ambassador Dr. M. Nafees Zakaria, welcomed the idea of signing cooperation agreement to strengthen scientific ties between the two institutions. The meeting was also attended by the Secretary General, Arab Academy of Sciences, Prof. Dr. Elias Baydoun besides officials of COMSATS.

Amb. Zakaria, briefed Prof. Badran about COMSATS_ an intergovernmental organization of 27 developing countries with a Network of 25 International S&T Centres of Excellence across the globe. The Royal Scientific Society (RSS) of Jordan is a Member to COMSATS Network of Centres of Excellence.

Both sides agreed that the expertise and resources should be pooled to pursue the scientific development taking place rapidly. Scientific collaboration and R&D were seen as the key. Both recognized the need for greater intra-south cooperation and interdependence and undertook to make joint efforts to that end.

The idea of COMSATS working with Arab Academy of Sciences (AAS) was welcomed.

Prof. Badran extended invitation to the Executive Director COMSATS to participate at the upcoming IAS Conferences to be held in Morocco and Uzbekistan.

Mian Abrar

Mian Abrar

The writer heads Pakistan Today’s Islamabad Bureau. He has a special focus on counter-terrorism and inter-state relations in Asia, Asia Pacific and South East Asia regions. He tweets as @mian_abrar and also can be reached at [email protected]

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