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Bangladesh Student Group Suspends Protest, PM Hasina Blames Opponents, UAE Jails 57 For “Riots”

Bangladesh Student Group Suspends Protest, PM Hasina Blames Opponents, UAE Jails 57 For “Riots”

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Videos /Bangladesh Student Group Suspends Protest, PM Hasina Blames Opponents, UAE Jails 57 For “Riots”

Last Updated: July 23, 2024, 00:15 IST


The Bangladeshi student group leading demonstrations suspended protests on July 22 for 48 hours. “We are suspending the shutdown protests for 48 hours,” said Nahid Islam, the top leader of the main protest organizer.”We started this movement for reforming the quota,” Islam said, adding that “we did not want quota reform at the expense of so much blood.” At least 163 people have died in clashes, including several police officers, according to a count of victims reported by police and hospitals.Meanwhile, PM Sheikh Hasina blamed her political opponents for the violence and said the govt “will lift curfew whenever the situation gets better.”

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