The Muslim Post

Pope: It’s Not Right to Equate Islam With Violence

Pope: It’s Not Right to Equate Islam With Violence

Pope Francis has said it is “not right and not true” to identify Islam with violence following the brutal murder of a Catholic priest by extremists in France, which was claimed by the Islamic State militant group (ISIS). The 79-year-old Argentine pontiff, was speaking on his return flight from Kraków, Poland, where he had led […]

Muslims pray with Catholics over French priest’s murder

Muslims pray with Catholics over French priest’s murder

Muslims have attended Catholic mass in churches around France in solidarity and sorrow following the brutal murder of a priest in an ISIL-linked attack. More than 100 Muslims were among the 2,000 who gathered at the cathedral of Rouen near the Normandy town where two teenagers slit the throat of 85-year-old Father Jacques Hamel.

‘Have You Even Read the United States Constitution?’

It wasn’t the most eloquent speech. It didn’t have the booming delivery and thundering applause lines of several of the politicians, preachers and celebrities who’ve spoken at the Democratic National Convention this week. But the somber remarks by Khzir Khan, the father of a U.S. Army solider killed in Iraq, were some of the most […]

Religious indoctrination engenders intolerance and violence

The attack on two Hindus, which killed one and left one wounded, by two armed men in Ghotki is a deplorable incidence of communal violence that is engendered through a toxic from of intolerance prevalent in Pakistan. Communal tensions in Ghotki have been on the rise since a person believed to be mentally challenged allegedly […]

Trump adviser calls for electronic ‘tagging’ of U.S. Muslims on fed terror watch list

Trump adviser calls for electronic 'tagging' of U.S. Muslims on fed terror watch list

PHILADELPHIA — Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday said he would be in favor of forcing Muslims on the federal government’s terrorism watch list to wear electronic monitoring tags or bracelets for authorities to track their whereabouts. “I would think that’s an excellent idea,” said Giuliani. “If you’re on the terror watch list, […]

Normandy mosque in mourning: Muslims pays tribute to slain priest

Normandy mosque in mourning: Muslims pays tribute to slain priest

Hundreds gathered at Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray’s Yahia Mosque, including three Catholic priests, for a minute’s silence to honour slain priest Jacques Hamel. Strong bonds already existed in this small community. The Catholic Church donated the land on which the Yahia Mosque stands. The new priest in charge of the parish Father Auguste Moanda told worshippers to strengthen […]

Raising the Palestinian cause at the DNC

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Eva Putzova held a banner with a simple message just outside the Democratic National Convention (DNC) floor on Tuesday: “I support Palestinian rights.” “I think it’s time that Democratic candidates – Hillary, Bernie or anybody else – start taking the issue seriously and start a real national conversation and get behind all […]

Germany’s Angela Merkel Proves Love Always Trumps Hate

Merkel defends rights of refugees in spite of attacks German Chancellor Angela Merkel refuses to allow fear to dominate the country’s political climate. The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has decided to stand by her open-door policy to refugees in spite of the fierce criticism the policy, and Merkel herself, has faced as a result of […]