
Since the beginning of October 2023, Gaza has been under an unprecedented, deadly military onslaught, during which Israel has dropped more than 25,000 tons of explosives on over 12,000 targets in Gaza.[1]

According to the UN, between October 7 and December 12, at least 18,205 Palestinians were killed in Gaza, about 70% of whom were women and children, and a further estimated 50,100 people were reportedly injured. Many more people are missing, presumed to be buried under the rubble, waiting for rescue or recovery.[2]

Israel’s ongoing siege on Gaza, the prevention of access to water and equipment, and the massive destruction of infrastructure have all led to a catastrophic crisis with lethal levels of food and water shortages, and the threat of outbreaks of disease. At least 40% of housing in Gaza,[3] as well as hundreds of healthcare and educational facilities, have been severely damaged, or completely destroyed in Israeli strikes. Up to 1.9 million people in Gaza have been displaced from their homes so far.[4]

The indiscriminate attacks being carried out against the people of Gaza are made possible with the help of Israeli and multinational companies – manufacturing and supplying attack weapons, vessels, vehicles, equipment, and technology – all reaping enormous profits from their complicity with Israel’s attack on Palestinian lives and basic rights.

Since the beginning of Israel’s latest attack on Gaza, the Israeli arms manufacturing industry has been in peak demand,[5] while the shares of international weapon suppliers to Israel such as Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman[6] are on the rise.[7] Between October 7 and November 19 alone, the Israeli Ministry of Defense (IMOD) placed orders totaling NIS 4 billion (USD 1.08 billion) to defense industry companies.[8] Most of these companies have long been providing the Israeli military with the weapons and services used to enforce the 16-year siege on Gaza and against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

As in previous military onslaughts on Gaza, the Israeli military is currently testing new weapons and technologies through their inaugural operational deployment. This practice allows the manufacturers of these weapons to collect performance data – subsequently aiding them in refining similar technologies and marketing the current weapons and technologies to countries around the world.  

Since the beginning of the recent Israeli assault on Gaza, the Israeli military has deployed a variety of new weapons including warships, armored vehicles, mortars, machine guns, cannons, and shoulder-fired missiles, among others. Such weapons are later branded by the companies as “proven effective” and “battle tested” for marketing purposes abroad, having been tested in attacks against the Palestinian population.    

Detailed below are some of the companies supplying the weapons being used in Israel’s 2023 attack on the people of Gaza.

Boeing (NYSE: BA) 

The American multinational corporation, Boeing Company, provides the Israeli military with Joint Direct Attack munition (JDAM), attack helicopters, fighter jets, and missiles.

Boeing attack munition, attack helicopters, and anti-ship missiles were used in Israel’s previous assaults on Gaza in 2022, 2021, 2019, 2014, 2008, and 2009.

Between October 10 and 18, Boeing expedited the delivery of 1,000 250-pound bombs and up to 1,800 GPS-guidance bomb kits designed for bombs of 500 pounds and heavier to Israel.[9] These deliveries were part of a US$735 million commercial sale between Boeing and the Israeli government. 

According to an Amnesty International investigation finding, Boeing-manufactured Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) were used by the Israeli military in two deadly, unlawful air strikes on homes full of civilians in central Gaza.[10] The airstrikes took place on October 10 and October 22 and reportedly resulted in the killing of 43 civilians – 19 children, 14 women, and 10 men.

Boeing Apache attack helicopters also take part in the airstrikes on Gaza.[11] On November 5, the Israeli Air Force published a photo of a Boeing AH-64 Apache helicopter, equipped with a detachable fuel tank and armed with missiles taking off, along with the caption “continuing to operate and attack in the Gaza Strip”.[12]

On November 15, it was reported that the Pentagon had ramped up military aid to Israel, delivering on requests that included more laser-guided missiles for Israel’s Apache fleet.[13]

The Boeing F-15 fighter jet has long been in use by the Israeli Air Force and is one of the Israeli Air Force’s first-line fighters.[14]

In February 2023, Boeing announced that it would be supplying Israel with 25 F-15 EX fighter jets with options for 25 more. According to Boeing, the new F-15 can carry more weapons than other fighter jets of its class and can launch weapons weighing up to 7,000 pounds.[15] 

Boeing is also the developer of Arrow 2 and Arrow 3 missile systems, a US-Israeli anti-ballistic missile system, jointly developed and produced by Boeing and Israel’s Aerospace Industries.[16] On November 10, Israel activated the Arrow 3 system for the first time, intercepting a missile launched from Yemen.[17] Following this, on November 23, it was announced that the IMOD finalized an agreement to sell the Arrow 3 air defense system to Germany for an estimated US$3.6 billion,[18] in the biggest-ever Israeli defense sale.[19]

Caterpillar (NYSE: CAT)       

The U.S.-based multinational, Caterpillar, is a long-standing supplier of the Israeli military and provides it with a variety of heavy engineering machinery for military use, including the D9 bulldozer.

Caterpillar machinery has been widely used for house demolition, settlement construction, and the construction of the Separation Wall in the occupied West Bank. Armored D9 bulldozers are used by the Israeli military to accompany military forces during invasions and military arrests in the occupied West Bank.[20]

The D9 bulldozers have been adapted to the military’s needs and some are currently undergoing adaptation to enable autonomous operations without the need for a driver.[21]

Caterpillar machinery and the D9 armored bulldozers have been extensively used in previous Israeli attacks on Gaza in 2021, 2014, 2008, and 2009, for large-scale house demolitions, land-clearing missions, and the construction of the wall surrounding the besieged Gaza.[22] 

The Caterpillar D9 is also used in the Israeli military’s so-called “Pressure Cooker” procedure, which is used to pressure a wanted person who fortifies in a house or other structure, to come out. In such cases, the D9 is used to demolish the structure with the person still inside. This procedure has been used against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza.[23]

Since October 7, the Combat Engineering Corps has carried out an extensive recruitment of D9 bulldozer drivers to take part in the invasion of Gaza.[24] D9 bulldozers have been documented in the streets of Gaza causing massive destruction to roads, buildings, private property, and infrastructure.[25]

In November 2023, the IMOD initiated an urgent procurement of dozens of D9 heavy bulldozers.[26] Some of these D9 bulldozers are currently undergoing adaptation processes for autonomous or semi-autonomous operations, allowing the bulldozers to operate without the need for a driver.

Elbit Systems (NASDAQ: ESLT)

The Israeli weapons company, Elbit Systems, is Israel’s biggest military and arms company.

The company has a tightly-knit relationship with the Israeli security apparatus and provides a wide range of services and products to the Israeli military. Several Elbit Systems weapon systems are used by the Israeli military in the current invasion and ground attack in Gaza – some for the first time.  

On October 23, the Israeli military spokesman revealed that the Maglan Unit of the Commando Brigade made the first operational use of a new weapon named Steel Sting, a precision mortar bomb manufactured by Elbit.[27] The Iron Sting mortar is a laser and GPS-guided 120 mm mortar munition[28] that can be guided to a predetermined target by inserting a landmark or location and can also be carried out by soldiers on the ground.[29] The Steel Sting became operational in 2021, but this is the first time it has been used on the battlefield. As of October 2023, every mortar brigade in the infantry and armor units is expected to be equipped with these in the coming months.[30] 

On November 14, the military censor approved for publication the news that drone “exposure groups” are currently used for targeted killing by Israel in Gaza.[31] The groups consist of drones for gathering intelligence and processing information alongside attack drones to destroy targets. These exposure groups were one of the major projects implemented in the military and collaboration with Elbit Systems.[32]

Elbit Systems provides the Israeli military with the so-called Iron Fist (Porcupine Arrow) active protection system used for the Eitan armored personnel carrier (APC),[33] which was entered into operational use in Gaza in October 2023.[34] The system was also installed in the Caterpillar D9 bulldozers,[35] also taking part in the attack on Gaza. In January 2020, Elbit signed a contract worth USD 31 million with the IMOD for the supply of the Iron Fist system.[36]

The Ido night vision device, developed by Elbit Systems, is being used for the first time by the Israeli military[37] and has been widely distributed to battalions operating inside Gaza. [38] The device is mounted on a soldier’s helmet and provides a three-dimensional image in low light conditions and complete darkness.

On October 19, it was reported that the Israeli Air Force was using Elbit’s MPR 500 bombs in its airstrikes on Gaza.[39] The MPR 500 is a 500 lb. (230 kg) multi-purpose rigid penetration and surface attack bomb, adapted for densely populated urban area warfare and launched from jet fighters.[40] The bomb is marketed by Elbit as “combat-proven,”[41] and was operationally used in the Israeli attack on Gaza in 2014.[42]

The MPR 500 is approved by Boeing as compatible with its Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) guidance kit.[43]   

Elbit’s so-called Iron Vision, Head-Mounted Display technology for the operation of Armored Fighting Vehicles,[44] is currently used in the Barak tanks operating in Gaza.[45] The system is designed for use in densely built areas and includes an integrated artificial intelligence  (AI) peripheral vision system that generates an image enabling the crew to “see through” the vehicle’s armor.[46]

Elbit System’s attack UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), the Hermes 900 and Hermes 450 are widely used by the Air Force in Gaza,[47] as in previous attacks in 2021 and 2014.[48] Elbit’s Skylark UAV has also been used in intelligence-gathering operations in Gaza.[49]

Additional Elbit weapons used by the Israeli military include the AccuLAR-160 Magic Javelin and AccuLAR-122 Spear, guided artillery rockets;[50] the Kalanit 120mm APAM[51] MP-T M329 Cartridge;[52] the Hatzav 120mm HE-MP-T, M339 Cartridge; the Rakefet 105mm APAM-MP-T M117/1 Cartridge mortar bombs and tank shells used by the Armored Corps,[53] and Elbit’s special helmets used in the F-15 fighter air crafts.[54]

According to Elbit, since October 7 there has been an anticipated increase in demand from the IMOD for its products,[55] and in response, the company has increased its support to the ministry.[56] The company has increased production efforts, accelerated the development and delivery of new systems,[57] and recruited hundreds of new employees to meet the demand.

Between October 29 and November 29 alone, Elbit Systems was awarded a US$135 million contract to establish an artillery ammunition factory for an international customer,[58] a US$170 million contract from the Swedish Army,[59] and a US$500 million contract from the U.S. Marine Corps.[60] 

According to Elbit, the US Administration’s request for USD14.5 billion emergency military aid to Israel also includes the purchase of Elbit Systems technologies manufactured in its subsidiaries in the US.[61]

ThyssenKrupp (FWB: TKAMY)

ThyssenKrupp AG is a German industrial and technology multinational conglomerate.

The company’s marine systems division, ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, has provided warship vessels and submarines to the Israeli Navy since the 1990s.[62]

ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems built and provided the so-called Sa’ar 6 attack warships to the Israeli Navy.[63]

In July 2021, the company transferred four Sa’ar 6 corvettes to the Israeli Navy at an estimated cost of USD 480 million, one-third of which was funded by the German government.[64]

The missile ships were designed to offer enhanced attack capabilities and were equipped with a range of weaponry and combat systems, including anti-air and anti-ship missiles and machine guns.[65]

On October 14, the Israeli military carried out the inaugural operational attack by the Sa’ar 6 ships, from the surface of the Mediterranean Sea towards besieged Gaza, in cooperation with air forces and ground forces.[66]

On December 12, the Israeli military announced it had completed the operationalization of all four ships.[67]

Oshkosh (NYSE: OSK)

Oshkosh Corporation (formerly Oshkosh Truck) is an American industrial company that designs and builds specialty trucks, military vehicles, truck bodies, airport fire apparatus, and access equipment.

Oshkosh manufactures hulls for armored military vehicles and armored personnel carriers (APC) used in the occupied West Bank and Gaza.[68] The company provides the Israeli military with the Namer 1500 and Eitan Armored Personnel Carriers (APC), both used in Israel’s recent military invasion of Gaza.

In November 2023, the Israeli military deployed the Namer 1500 APC in its first combat use in the military invasion in northern Gaza.[69] In February 2023, Oshkosh signed an agreement with the IMOD to produce hundreds of the Namer 1500 armored personnel carrier (APC) variants[70] for over USD 139.6 million,[71] financed by US aid. In July 2023, the IMOD received the first delivery of the new APCs.

Also in November 2023, the Israeli military announced that the Eitan APC had entered into operational use in Gaza.[72] In December 2022, the IMOD contracted Oshkosh to produce 500 hulls of the Eitan armored personnel carrier (APC) for the Israeli military for over USD 100 million, funded by the US.[73] According to the contract, the hulls will be fitted with unmanned turrets and other systems and sent for operational use.

On December 1st, Oshkosh announced that it would supply the IMOD with Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTV).[74] At the end of November 2023, the IMOD placed an order for 75 JLTVs through Foreign Military Sale (FMS), and an additional order for dozens more through Direct Commercial Sale (DCS).[75]

General Electric (NYSE: GE)  

General Electric is a US-based, publicly traded multinational conglomerate company providing jet engines, components, and integrated systems for military aircraft.

General Electric supplies engines to the Israeli Air Force and the Israeli Navy. These include the T700 engine for the Boeing AH-64 Apache helicopters,[76] and the F110-GE-129 engine for F-15 fighter jets,[77] both conducting strikes in Israel’s recent attack on Gaza.[78]

Military helicopters powered by General Electric engines were used in dozens of deadly sorties in the 2014, 2012, 2008, and 2009 Israeli military assaults on Gaza. 

General Electric LM2500 gas turbines are used to power the Israeli Navy missile ships used in military assaults and to enforce the illegal naval siege of Gaza.[79]

Leonardo (BIT: LDO)

Leonardo S.p.A. is an Italian multinational company specializing in aerospace, defense, and security. The company – partially owned by the Italian government – is the world’s eleventh-largest weapons manufacturer.[80]

Leonardo provides weapons and planes to the IMOD, the Israeli Air Force, and the Navy.

The company provided the Israeli Navy with its Super Rapido Multi-Feeding naval gun.[81] The Navy procured four new guns, installed on board the Sa’ar 6 corvettes, which took part in the Israeli attack on Gaza in October 2023, in their first operational use. [82]

The 76/62 SR MF naval gun has a fire rate of 120 rounds per minute and a multi–feeding loading system.[83] It can be integrated with Leonardo’s multifunctional ammunition and Vulcano-guided ammunition. 

Leonardo is also the manufacturer of the Israeli Air Force’s Lavi[84] and AW119Kx aircraft training planes.[85] In June 2023, Leonardo announced that it would upgrade the Lavi M-346 training aircraft in the Israeli Air Force to an attack aircraft. The company will install a NEXTER 20 mm cannon on the plane to provide improved air-to-air and air-to-ground capabilities, thus turning it into a light combat aircraft.[86]

Israel Weapon Industries (IWI)

Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) produces, markets, designs, and develops small arms deployed by the Israeli military. IWI is a member of the SK Group, owned by Israeli businessman Samy Katsav.  

The company’s firearms are developed in close collaboration with the Israeli military. The two have established joint Research and Development teams to create these weapons.[87]

The IWI Negev 7 machine gun entered into operational use in the Israeli attack in Gaza in October 2023.

In October 2023, the Israeli Ground Forces put the Negev 7 into its first operational test in combat in Gaza.[88] The previous version was entered into operational use in the Israeli military attack on Gaza in 2014 and has since been optimized in accordance with the military’s operational needs and is described as more powerful and deadly.

IWI’s Micro Tavor X95 rifles and M5 sniper rifles have also been used by the Israeli military in Gaza in October 2023.[89] The Tavor rifle was used during the Israeli assault on Gaza in 2014.[90]

IWI’s sister company of SK Group, Israel Shipyards, provides maintenance and repair services to the Navy’s SA’AR 6-class corvettes,[91] which also took part in military attacks on Gaza in October 2023.[92]

At the beginning of November, the Department of Production and Procurement of the IMOD ordered thousands of long-barreled M4-type assault rifles produced by IWI and another Israeli company for more than NIS 100 million. [93]

Smart Shooter

Smart Shooter is a private Israeli company that produces electro-optical fire control systems for small arms based on AI, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning technologies.[94]

Smart Shooter’s Smash (Dagger) system is widely used by the military infantry units in Gaza. 

The Smash system, developed in cooperation with the Israeli military, is an electro-optic rifle sight with a fire control system and a firing computer.

The sight can be fitted on the barrel of any rifle and is installed on a soldier’s personal weapon, enabling the system to lock on and track targets through image processing based on AI. An algorithm-based processor selects the moment to fire and ensures a hit, regardless of the user’s abilities.[95]

According to statements made by the military spokesperson, the infantry units operating in Gaza make extensive use of Smart Shooter’s Smash sights.[96] The third generation of the sight is now being used for the first time among the reserve officers.[97] The system was also identified in the military spokesperson’s photographs of the Maglan special unit of the commando brigade during raids in northern Gaza.[98]

Smart Shooter also provides the military with shooting systems used in the occupied West Bank. The company’s Remote Controlled Crowd Dispersal System is installed over Israeli military checkpoints in heavily populated areas in the occupied West Bank.[99] The system, also based on AI technology, includes the capacity to fire stun grenades, tear gas, and sponge-tipped bullets.[100]

In 2019, Smart Shooter was contracted by the IMOD to provide 2,000 so-called Dagger fire control systems to the Israeli military infantry forces for tens of millions of NIS.[101] 

In recent years, many armies have been equipped with the system, including the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and India.[102]

[23] Ibid.

[25] Ibid.

[28] Elbit Systems website. Product: Iron Sting. Accessed 12 December 2023

[32] Ibid.

[40] Elbit Systems website. Product: MPR 500. Accessed 12 December 2023

[41] Ibid.

[43] Elbit Systems website. Product: MPR 500. Accessed 12 December 2023

[44] Elbit Systems website. Product: IronVision. Accessed 12 December 2023

[46] Ibid.

[51] Anti-Personnel Anti-Material Multi-Purpose Tracer

[54] Ibid.

[63] Ibid.

[83] Ibid.

[101] Ibid.

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