The Muslim Post

How a lauded CIA veteran-turned-candidate got branded with terrorism claims

 Dave Brat, the insurgent candidate who unseated Eric Cantor in 2014, is looking to fend off Democrat Abigail Spanberger by following the GOP’s 2018 midterm playbook: tie her to Nancy Pelosi, abolish ICE, and socialized medicine. USA TODAY WASHINGTON – How did a former undercover CIA operative who spent more than eight years fighting terrorism get branded […]

Colbert Links Big Pharma’s Sackler Family To America’s Opioid Crisis

Stephen Colbert tackled the opioid crisis and took aim at Big Pharma in a sobering Late Show segment Friday. “There are certain subjects that are genuinely hard to talk about like, the opioid crisis. It’s an epidemic that affects both political parties, Republican, Democrat, rich people, poor people, it does not discriminate,” Colbert said. “And a lot of people […]

‘Contemporary Muslim Fashions’ Review: Eye-Catching Modesty

Raşit Bağzıbağlı for Modanisa ‘Desert Dream’ ensemble (spring/summer 2018) RAŞIT BAĞZIBAĞLI AND MODANISA/FINE ARTS MUSEUMS OF SAN FRANCISCO

An exhibition at the De Young Museum offers a snapshot of the how women dress in today’s Islamic cultures, from the austere to the brightly colored, the athletic to the couture. San Francisco ‘She wore the burkha,” Paul Scott writes of a Muslim woman in “The Day of the Scorpion,” the second novel in his masterpiece […]

A Muslim Role Model for Today: Emir Abdelkader

A Muslim Role Model for Today: Emir Abdelkader

“The Emir represents the values and attributes that we want to inculcate in our American Muslim sons and daughters. We want his life to be celebrated in our mosques, in our Sunday schools and in our Friday sermons. We see in him a bridge of compassion and humanity connecting us with our brothers and sisters […]