The Muslim Post

Greece’s Muslims No Longer Forced to Follow Sharia Law

U.S. Puts $5 Million Bounty On Pakistani Taliban Leader

In a historic move, Greece revoked a pair of 1920s laws that required Muslims who became Greek citizens to rely on Islamic Sharia law instead of the country’s secular courts. Now, Muslims in Greece can turn to Greek secular courts to address a wide range of issues such as child custody battles, inheritance issues, and […]

What is going on between Egypt and Sudan?

What is going on between Egypt and Sudan?

Ongoing tensions in the Red Sea region came to the fore in late December, when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Sudan as part of his Africa tour. During the visit, Erdogan and his Sudanese counterpart, Omar al-Bashir, signed more than a dozen agreements to boost the economic partnership between the two nations. Among these […]

Trump Has Sold Millions In Real Estate To Secret Buyers

U.S. Puts $5 Million Bounty On Pakistani Taliban Leader

Even after taking office, President Donald Trump sold more than $35 million worth of real estate last year to secretive buyers. Trump sold 41 luxury condo units in Las Vegas last year to people who used limited liability companies (LLCs), which allow them to hide their identities, a USA Today review found. The president can […]