The Muslim Post

US Strike Force Heading Towards N. Korea Causing Anxiety Among Friends, Foes

US Strike Force Heading Towards N. Korea Causing Anxiety Among Friends, Foes

By sending a U.S. navy strike force into waters near North Korea, President Donald Trump is raising concerns that he is prepared to put America’s interests ahead of those of regional allies. The threat of force against North Korea has gained new credibility following U.S. airstrikes against Syria for using chemical weapons on its own […]

WATCH: Man forcibly removed from overbooked United flight

WATCH: Man forcibly removed from overbooked United flight

A man who refused to surrender his seat on an overbooked United Airlines flight on Sunday was dragged off the plane by security, according to a video and an account provided by a witness. Four passengers on a flight scheduled from Chicago to Louisville were asked to take a flight the following day so United […]

How a Muslim medical student response to something hateful a patient says

A patient says something hateful, and here’s what a Muslim medical student does

Sara H. Rahman “Mr. Douglas?” I call out into the waiting room. A short, grey-haired man in his sixties staggers towards me, bracing his back with his hands. Despite his pain, he gives me a warm smile, which I return. As I help him onto the exam-room table, he winces, squeezing my hand. “I’m a […]

Gerrymandering: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Lawmakers often reshape voting districts to shift the balance of political power. That’s unfair to voters, even those of us with questionable judgment. Gerrymandering — drawing political boundaries to give your party a numeric advantage over an opposing party — is a difficult process to explain. If you find the notion confusing, check out the chart […]