The Muslim Post

VIDEO: Latin Stars Perform Spanish Version Of ‘Where Is The Love’

In an effort to raise awareness and unify the Latino community, Estrella TV has teamed up with Will.I.Am, one of the world’s hottest and most influential musical producers of this generation, and The Black Eyed Peas to produce a music video that unites Latinos in a time when the Hispanic community in the U.S. has […]

Trump, Clinton Campaigns in Final Days Amid Voter Discontent

Trump, Clinton Campaigns in Final Days Amid Voter Discontent

The campaigns of U.S. presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are criss-crossing the country in key battleground states in an attempt to energize voters as they enter the final weekend of a grueling and divisive campaign. A new poll has found that a great majority of voters are “disgusted” with two presidential hopefuls but […]

The Muslim world has to take climate action

The Muslim world has to take climate action

For years now, a strange paradox has existed within the Muslim world. On the one hand, Muslims – who represent more than a fifth of the global population – live in some of the regions most affected by the changing climate; from Turkey and the Middle East with their increasingly intense droughts to the floodplains […]

Bridgegate verdict: Bill Baroni and Bridget Kelly guilty on all counts

Bridgegate verdict: Bill Baroni and Bridget Kelly guilty on all counts

NEWARK — Two former Christie administration insiders charged in a bizarre scheme of political retaliation against a mayor who refused to endorse the governor for re-election were found guilty Friday on all counts in the long-running Bridgegate saga. In a seven-week trial that saw their own words used against them, Bill Baroni and Bridget Anne […]

Why Russia is Backing Donald Trump

In phone calls, meetings and cables, America’s European allies have expressed alarm to one another about Donald Trump’s public statements denying Moscow’s role in cyberattacks designed to interfere with the U.S. election. They fear the Republican nominee for president has emboldened the Kremlin in its unprecedented cyber-campaign to disrupt elections in multiple countries in hopes […]