The Muslim Post

Malaysia’s child brides

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Men accused of raping underage girls in Malaysia are marrying their alleged victims to try to avoid criminal charges, a child rights group says. Activists have renewed their calls to ban child marriage in the southeast Asian nation after it emerged that a man charged with raping a 14-year-old girl was […]

Rio 2016: Egyptian Judoka Refuses Israeli Handshake

An Egyptian judo competitor refused to shake the hand of an Israeli rival after losing a 100 kilogram contest at the Rio Olympics Friday. Israel’s Or Sasson defeated Islam el-Shahabi despite receiving a penalty, finishing his opponent with a wazari and ultimately an ippon. Sasson offered el-Shahabi a handshake at the conclusion of the bout […]

Thousands of Jews pray at Wailing Wall in memory of ancient temples

Tel Aviv (dpa) – Thousands of Jews prayed at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City on Sunday in memory of the destruction of the ancient Jewish temples, as hundreds of Israeli police patrolled the streets. The increase in security was meant to prevent confrontations as Orthodox Jews mark the annual fast day of Tisha […]

France: How to win the war against ISIL

France: How to win the war against ISIL ISIS Daesh

On July 26, two terrorists slashed the throat of a priest in northern France as he was celebrating the morning mass in the small city of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray. This barbaric act, immediately condemned by the representative of the French Muslim community as it was in complete contradiction with the teachings of the Quran, shocked the country […]

Queens Imam and Assistant Shot and Killed: Locals Blame Donald Trump

A Muslim imam and his assistant were fatally shot at 1:50 pm today while walking home from afternoon prayers at a mosque in the New York City borough of Queens. A single gun man shot the two victims outside of Al-Furqan Jame Masjid in Ozone Park. Both victims were shot in the head and rushed […]

Sultan: Hijab is a right, not privilege for Muslims

Sultan of Sokoto Sa’ad Abubakar III has canvassed fair treatment for Muslims across the nation. According to him, Muslims want nothing but a very peaceful and stable Nigeria The Sultan spoke in Benin City at the General Assembly and Executive National Council Meeting of the Nigeria Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA). Muslims, according to […]

Judicial reforms a must to tackle terror

Considering terrorism the biggest threat to the country’s stability, the lawyers view judicial reforms as the best way to root it out with strict implementation of laws, quality of investigation and fair trials. The lawyers say that the state must show its writ by enforcing laws without compromising the national cause of fight against terrorism. […]

A long-drawn war

The foreign sponsored terror in the country appears to have been the deadliest so far this year. The significant success of Zarb-e-Azb does not mean the war on terror is over. The country will have to fight both “homegrown and foreign sponsored” militancy for several years to come, and take sweeping steps on war-footing to […]

The woman turning rubbish into homes in Pakistan

Karachi, Pakistan – Nargis Latif lay on her hospital bed dying. The doctors had given up on her. Her children and husband were at her side, crying. Shouts of “she’s going, she’s going” and “mummy, don’t die” filled the room. Latif had experienced complications during labour and, despite being admitted to a reputable hospital in […]

What Is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia syndrome is a chronic disorder that affects the muscles and soft tissue. It is characterized by widespread pain, sensitivity to touch, fatigue and a number of other symptoms. Found predominantly in women, the syndrome is tough to detect and there is no known cure. Here are nine facts about fibromyalgia that can help you […]