The Muslim Post

Overweight Men Are More Susceptible To Type 2 Diabetes Than Women

We know that overweight men are more likely to get Type 2 diabetes than heavy women, but we haven’t known why males are more susceptible to the condition. A new case study from the Buck Institute provides a possible answer by finding a major biological difference in male and female mice fed a high-fat diet. […]

UN says ‘we cannot give up hope’ on Syria

Senior United Nations officials have voiced concern over the world body’s failure to meet targets in the delivery of humanitarian aid to areas of war-ravaged Syria, though they have hope for a breakthrough in negotiations to restart peace talks. Only 40 percent of the aid planned for areas in Syria was delivered in June and […]

Talmage Boston: How do candidates stack up against former presidents?

Both presidential candidates have received high negative approval ratings the old-fashioned way: They earned them. Though the Republican and Democratic nominees each have millions of supporters, at least 20 percent of voters remain undecided and must now choose the lesser of two evils. To help make that determination, let’s grade the nominees using what I […]

Fabiola Santiago: Trump delivers another week of outrageousness

There’s no telling where Donald Trump’s alleged fraudulent voters will cast their ballots —10 times each! But predicting a “rigged” election is one of the red herrings Trump threw out as he campaigned through the swing states of Ohio, Virginia and Florida during a week in which top Republican military leaders publicly voiced concern about […]

Manipulated stock market rejoices over July job numbers

SANTA FE, N.M., August 5, 2016 – Stocks and market averages are partying hearty Friday morning, celebrating the “massive” job creation numbers just posted for July. Employment was allegedly up 255,000, a number that would indeed seem relatively impressive, save for the pathetic job numbers posted for April, May and June, which tended to take […]

Turkey court issues arrest warrant for Fethullah Gulen

A court in Turkey has issued a formal warrant for the arrest of US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, who the government accuses of being behind the failed July 15 coup that left more than 270 people dead. The state-run Anadolu news agency said on Thursday that an Istanbul-based court issued the warrant for Gulen for […]