The Muslim Post

Danish Muslims Refuse to Bury Normandy Church Attacker

A Danish Muslim organization has denied reports that it offered to bury one of the radical Islamists who murdered a priest in northern France last month. Newspaper Jyllands-Posten reported Wednesday that the country’s Islamic Burial Fund would consider Adel Kermiche’s burial in Denmark, causing a firestorm among Danish politicians. The opposition Social Democrat party said […]

WATCH: This Is What Goes On At Trump Rallies

New York Times reporters have been gathering footage of Donald Trump rallies across the nation for more than a year, and what they have found is shocking and terrifying. According to this footage released earlier this week, Trump rallies are a space where his supporters feel comfortable expressing extreme, offensive behavior and racism. “Fuck that […]

FBI Agent Apparently Egged on ‘Draw Muhammad’ Shooter

FBI Agent Apparently Egged on 'Draw Muhammad' Shooter

In the can’t believe this happened department. From the Daily Beast: Days before an ISIS sympathizer attacked a cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, he received a text from an undercover FBI agent. “Tear up Texas,” the agent messaged Elton Simpson days before he opened fire at the Draw Muhammad event, according to an affidavit (pdf) […]

How the Internet Will Stop Violent Extremism

Orlando. Baghdad. Nice. Dhaka. Munich. Normandy. The wave of attacks sweeping across the world feels unstoppable, yet we may be the final generation to deal with this problem. Using the same disruptive technology that has overturned the music, hotel and taxi industries, we could solve the problems of violenct extremism in one generation. This is […]

Will basketball’s ruling body allow women to play with a hijab?

Will basketball’s ruling body allow women to play with a hijab?

Can you play baseketball wearing a hijab? Is it safe to you and others? Will there come a day when some Muslim women players won’t have to choose between sport and faith? That’s what the International Basketball Federation is deciding this month. Lifting the ban on head coverings would be a monumental change for many […]

Tharparkar: Pakistan’s ongoing catastrophe

Tharparkar: Pakistan’s ongoing catastrophe

Tharparkar, Pakistan – More than 1,500 children under the age of five have died in the Tharparkar district of Pakistan’s Sindh province since 2011. Each year, as the death toll climbs, reports are sought, commissions created and emergency plans announced by the provincial government. But none of these seem able to stop the recurring problems […]

UN report: All sides flouting humanitarian law in Yemen

UN report: All sides flouting humanitarian law in Yemen

A confidential UN report has concluded that Yemen’s Houthi fighters used civilians as shields to avoid attacks and the Arab coalition fighting in Yemen deliberately bombed a civilian house, killing four children. Yemen descended into chaos after the 2012 removal of longtime president Ali Abdullah Saleh, whose forces are fighting alongside the Houthi fighters. Security […]

Israel accuses World Vision aid worker of funding Hamas

Israel accuses World Vision aid worker of funding Hamas

Israel has accused a representative of the US-based Christian relief group World Vision of funnelling millions of dollars in aid money to Hamas fighters in Gaza, charges that the group denies. Briefing reporters on Thursday, a senior Israeli security official said that Mohammad El Halabi, World Vision’s manager of operations in Gaza, had siphoned off […]