The Muslim Post

At A Time Like This, Is There Anyone We Need Less Than Rudy Giuliani?

Published with permission from Alternet. Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, whose tenure was marred by law enforcement killings of unarmed African-Americans, took to the national television circuit today to baselessly smear Black Lives Matter protesters as responsible for the killing of five police officers in Dallas. The Donald Trump surrogate and hardline neoconservative told […]

Oh Yay! Rachel Campos Duffy Blames Beyonce For Dallas Shooting

Rachel Campos Duffy is a former TV reality star, Republican activist, education privatizion advocate, teabagger and the wife of US Representative Sean Duffy. She also knows why the Dallas shooting happened. It’s all Beyonce’s fault. From Duffy’s Facebook page: Well, thanks to Compost Duff, we know that it’s all because of America’s most popular sport […]

Dallas attacker left behind tactical journal, mysterious initials

DALLAS — Micah Xavier Johnson used blood to write the initials “R.B.” on the walls of the downtown Dallas parking garage where he was barricaded last week after he opened fire police and protesters, killing five officers, wounding seven more and injuring two civilians. Dallas police are investigating the meaning of the two letters, Chief […]

What American Greatness Really Means

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” is as true now as it was when FDR first spoke those words in his inaugural address in 1933. Anything that divides us makes us weaker, less secure, less productive and “less great” and fear may be the most destructive and divisive force on the […]

Fox News Wants You Afraid Of Black Lives Matter

For the edification of our readers, I could provide you with a transcript, list the individuals sitting on the curved couch, parse out their words one at a time. But it’s Saturday, and here is all you need to know about this clip. Fox News wants you to be afraid, very afraid, of Black Lives […]

Giuliani says he’s source of Trump’s shift on Muslim ban

TRENTON — Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani says he is the reason Donald Trump walked back his call to ban all Muslims from entering U.S. last month to instead focus on people from “terror countries.” In mid-May, Trump floated the idea of creating a “commission… perhaps headed by Rudy Giuliani,” to examine the threat […]