The Muslim Post

Full Frontal With Samantha Bee

Almost immediately after Britain voted to leave the European Union, the British Pound sank in value and Britain’s economy shook. This economic downturn wasn’t super surprising, partly because polls and man-on-the-street interviews showed that Brexiteers weren’t doing it for the economy, they were doing it out of fear of immigration — specifically, Muslim immigration. Since similar fears […]

Syrian refugees now in N.J.: some say too many, some say too few

JERSEY CITY_ Hussam Al Roustom and his family have been living in Jersey City for the past year, getting used to a new language, a new climate, a new culture. While that is difficult, Roustom said it’s nothing compared to his journey here: After his grocery store was destroyed during the Syrian Civil War, he […]

Clinton Widens Lead Over Trump In New Poll

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton widened her lead over Donald Trump in the latest ABC/Washington Post poll released Sunday while an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll indicated Trump has emerged from the last few weeks virtually unscathed. The ABC/Post poll indicates Clinton has a 51 percent to 39 percent lead over Trump while the NBC/Journal […]

Pro-ISIS Video Names San Francisco, Vegas as Targets

A video in support of the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) has listed San Francisco and Las Vegas as potential targets for the group’s sympathizers, as well as celebrating the Orlando massacre. The nine-minute-long video shows San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, the city’s financial district and the Las Vegas strip. The FBI said that it […]

Trump, Eyeing November, Softens Proposed Muslim Ban

Donald Trump continued to walk back his proposed ban on Muslims entering America while on a golf course in Scotland this weekend, clarifying that he’s no longer calling for a blanket interdiction on the 1.6 billion Muslims around the world but only those coming from “terrorist” countries. Trump didn’t clarify which countries would qualify, but […]

Has Donald Trump changed his Muslim ban proposal?

TRENTON — Donald Trump is appearing to redefine his controversial proposal for the U.S. to fight terrorism by temporarily banning Muslims from entering the country, saying Saturday that the focus would be on blocking “people coming in from the terror countries,” according to reports. But the exact scope of the ban is still uncertain. Neither […]

Dozens of pro-government fighters killed in Libya clash

Fierce clashes between Libyan forces and the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant in Sirte, ISIL’s only stronghold in the country, have left at least 36 dead and almost 150 wounded. Tuesday’s fighting resulted in one of the heaviest tolls in the month-long campaign by the pro-government coalition of armed groups that is trying to […]

4 Muslims arrested on Temple Mount

The Jerusalem Police arrested four Muslim youths Sunday morning inside the Temple Mount Compound, on suspicion of disturbing the public peace and interfering with police. The arrests were carried out after a group of Muslim youths, some of them with their faces covered, began shouting at Jews who ascended the Mount. The incident took place […]

Israel closes al-Aqsa to non-Muslims during Ramadan

Israeli authorities have closed the al-Aqsa mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem to Jews and other non-Muslim visitors until the end of Ramadan, after two days of clashes between worshippers and Israeli police. The decision will apply until next week, when the Muslim holy month ends, a police spokeswoman told the AFP news agency on […]

Muslim group calls for urgent talks as Brexit vote spurs racism

London (dpa) – A leading Muslim group on Monday called for an urgent meeting of political and civic leaders after dozens of “shocking manifestations of hate speech” following Britain’s vote to leave the European Union. “There have been countless incidents reported including a Polish centre being daubed with racist graffiti, a racist demonstration outside a […]