The Muslim Post

Exclusive: Ian Bremmer on Brexit and Trump

Anyone who cares about foreign policy and political science cares about what Ian Bremmer has to say. And he cares about what his followers think as well, as he offers almost daily live videos on his Facebook page where he can have a conversation with hundreds online. As the president and founder of Eurasia Group, […]

U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Obama Immigration Plan

Washington-The U.S. Supreme Court has dealt a severe blow to President Barack Obama after blocking his bid to shield millions of migrants from deportation. Justices in the under-strength court were split 4-4 over Obama’s bid to change immigration policy by executive action, thus leaving lower court rulings blocking the effort in place. Obama seemed to […]

Sanders Says Will Vote For Hillary Clinton For President

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said on Friday he will vote for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, mainly as a way to stop Republican Donald Trump from winning the White House. The move comes after weeks of pressure on Sanders, the U.S. senator from Vermont, from Democratic party officials to endorse Clinton since […]

Pakistan-born American says he reported Florida Killer Omar Mateen to FBI

A Muslim American of Pakistani descent says he had told about Omar Mateen, who killed 50 people in Florida State, to FBI after listening to his radical thoughts in 2014, and criticized Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump for accusing Muslims for not sharing such information with government officials. Writing in the leading US newspaper, the […]

‘Kill the gays’ pastor has meltdown

Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Phoenix was a bit upset that activists had his PayPal and Apple accounts shut down as a result of his hate speech. Anderson has been reaping the consequences of his words, and he is not happy about it. “It’s war. You know what the filthy […]

Amnesty Urges Myanmar to Impartially Probe Attack on Mosque

TEHRAN (FNA)- Amnesty International slammed as a “criminal offense” the ransacking of a mosque by extremist Buddhists in Myanmar, saying the new act of violence against Muslim minorities must not go unpunished. On Friday, a group of about 200 Buddhist extremists have raided a Muslim area of Thuye Tha Mein village in Myanmar’s Bago Province, […]

Doctor who treated Orlando victims addresses Islamophobia in wake of attack

Dr. Joseph “Joey” Ibrahim was making his rounds at Orlando Regional Medical Center this week, checking the dozen remaining victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting and bracing for more fallout, for more talk in the media about Muslim extremists. Ibrahim’s father was a Muslim immigrant, just like the father of shooter Omar Mateen. Ibrahim isn’t […]

Brexit: How Did Europe React?

Britain’s decision to leave the European Union marks not only a historic moment for the country, but one of the most cataclysmic events for the 28-member bloc in its history. So it is perhaps predictable that reaction to the result has flooded in fast from across Europe. Mainstream politicians across the continent were expressing their […]