The Muslim Post

Fox News Inspired Terrorist Gets Probation For Plotting To Massacre Muslim-Americans

The Terrorist News Network: Fox News In May of last year a radical Christian extremist was arrested for plotting a terrorist attack on a community of peaceful Muslims in upstate New York. Robert Doggart, an ordained minister in the Christian National Church, pleaded guilty to a detailed plan to kill people and destroy buildings, churches […]

AFSV: Renowned Turkish Scholar Fethullah Gulen Honors Ali’s Legacy

Gulen Extends Condolences; Praises Boxer as ‘Source of Hope’ NEW YORK, June 10, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Fethullah Gülen, the moderate Muslim scholar, preacher and social advocate, today honored the life and legacy of legendary boxer Muhammad Ali, calling him “a role model and a source of hope for youth living in difficult conditions around the […]

Amman soup kitchen spreads message of unity with iftar meals

Amman soup kitchen spreads message of unity with iftar meals

By Suzanna Goussous – Jun 10,2016 – Last updated at Jun 10,2016 In this recent photo, volunteers at the Restaurant of Mercy in Amman’s Jabal Luweibdeh prepare the iftar meal to serve underprivileged people during Ramadan (Photo courtesy of Restaurant of Mercy and Caritas Jordan) AMMAN — Delivering a message of peace, forgiveness and conviviality, […]

Muhammad Ali, 1942 – 2016 [editorial]

The world’s greatest boxing legend Muhammad Ali, who was also the greatest sporting figure of the 20th century, will be buried today at his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky in the United States. The three-time World Heavyweight Champion died at the age of 74 on Friday last week. His death draws a curtain on a legend, […]

Report: Erdogan leaves Mohammed Ali services early over snub

Istanbul (dpa) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan cut short his visit to the United States for the funeral and memorial services of famed boxer Mohammed Ali after he was denied the chance to recite from the Koran, according to a news report Friday. The Dogan news agency said Erdogan and Mehmet Gormez, the head […]

Serving tea, Islam and understanding in Cleveland

Cleveland, US – Ayman Alkayali is no stranger to feeling like a foreigner. Ayman’s parents were born in Palestine: his mother in Jaffa and his father in Ramla. During the nakba, the family was forced to leave its home land, moving to Syria. In time, Ayman’s family migrated to Kuwait and then to Tripoli in […]

Ali to be mourned with traditional Muslim service

Muslims have travelled from all over the world to Louisville, Kentucky, to attend a traditional Muslim prayer service for Muhammad Ali, the record-setting world heavyweight champion , who passed away last week. More than 14,000 people bought tickets for Thursday’s service in Kentucky Exposition Centre, which will also be broadcast worldwide and streamed online, according […]

Thousands gather for funeral of Muhammad Ali

Tens of thousands of people have gathered in the hometown of Muhammad Ali for the boxing legend’s burial and daylong memorial, expected to be attended by world leaders including former US president Bill Clinton and the king of Jordan. The streets of Louisville, Kentucky, were expected to be lined with admirers on Friday watching the […]

CAIR, UC Berkeley Center to Release Report Exposing Funding of Islamophobic Groups in America

WASHINGTON, June 10, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — On Tuesday, June 14, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Center for Race and Gender at UC Berkeley will release a report detailing the more than $200 million provided to 33 Islamophobic groups nationwide in recent years. The report, titled “Confronting Fear,” also documents the negative impact […]