The Muslim Post

SMACKDOWN: Director Rob Reiner Holds Morning Joe’s Feet To The Fire (VIDEO)

“Morning Joe’s” Joes Scarborough and Mika Brezinski were not crazy about having someone hold their feet to the fire. But, that didn’t stop the original Meathead, iconic star in “All In The Family” and movie director Rob Reiner from giving them some much-needed truth, Thursday morning. Reiner pointed out how entertainment and news have become […]

Hannity: ‘When Has Trump Shown Hostility To Non-White Voters?’

Sean Hannity knows that his loyal viewers don’t bother with frivolities like fact-checking. They take him at his word, even if his claims are quickly dispelled by a simple Google search. He claims that Trump has never been hostile to non-white voters. HANNITY: I don’t think he’s been hostile to — when has he been […]

Iowa cartoonist fired for criticizing big ag CEOs

Big corporate agriculture has squeezed the small farmer yet again. This time by squashing the free speech of a long time humorous cartoonist of a small Iowa newspaper. For more than twenty years Rick Friday’s cartoons were published by Farm News, a weekly publication of the Fort Dodge Mess enger. However, he was instantly and […]

In LA, Bill Clinton lobs indirect jab at Donald Trump over Muslim ban

LOS ANGELES — Former President Bill Clinton, on a swing through Southern California on Wednesday, took an indirect jab at presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, assailing his calls to ban Muslims from entering the country. “Hillary, more than any other candidate in either party, has vociferously opposed this consistent effort to demonize Muslim Americans,” […]

Revealed: When Clinton tried to quash ‘right-wing Israel’

A new book reveals that back in 2009, during Hillary Clinton’s first visit to Israel as US Secretary of State which came around a month after Israeli general elections, she tried unsuccessfully to press then Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni into a unity government so as to avoid a right-wing coalition. The revelation comes from the […]

What far too many liberals still fail to grasp

LOS ANGELES, May 5, 2016 – In 2009, liberal Democrats controlled all the levers of power. They had the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. President Barack Obama had media members falling all over themselves to be in his presence. The world’s leftists gave Obama a Nobel Peace Prize for his mere […]

Meet Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy advisers

(JTA) – It”s the season of the unconventional foreign policy adviser: Donald Trump takes advice from his son-in-law and real estate attorney, and Bernie Sanders cites folks who didn”t know they were advising him. In this field, Hillary Clinton”s inner circle of foreign policy advisers stands out for not standing out. The names she has […]

Clinton’s foreign policy advisers stand out for not standing out

WASHINGTON (JTA) – It’s the season of the unconventional foreign policy adviser: Donald Trump takes advice from his son-in-law and real estate attorney, and Bernie Sanders cites people who didn’t know they were advising him. In this field, Hillary Clinton’s inner circle of foreign policy advisers stands out for not standing out. The names she […]

Cartoons: Burning for Trump

Burning for Trump by Clay Jones A lot of Republicans are vowing they won’t support or even vote for Trump. Some are even saying they’ll support Hillary. Many are even burning their voter registration cards. I say give them a month, or less. They’ll come around. I don’t know if I’ve ever had a voter […]

Anti-Semitic attacks worldwide drop to 10-year low — report

Anti-Semitic incidents reached a 10-year low in 2015, according to researchers at Tel Aviv University’s Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry. In a report published Wednesday, on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, the researchers said they had monitored 410 violent anti-Semitic incidents worldwide in 2015, a drop of 46 percent from […]