The Muslim Post

The richest 1% own more than 99% of world’s population

The richest 1% own more than 99% of world’s population

The super rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, according to a report by international aid charity Oxfam. The richest one percent own more than the other 99 percent put together. It says that World leaders’ concern about the escalating inequality crisis has so far not translated into concrete action. “The world […]

Oil market shaken by Iran’s plan to boost output

Iran has said it plans to increase oil production by 500,000 barrels per day now that sanctions have been lifted under a nuclear deal with world powers. Analysts say the decision is likely to bring down the price of oil further in the world market. Roknoddin Javadi, deputy oil minister, said Iran is determined to […]

WATCH: British lawmakers debate banning Donald Trump from U.K.

TRENTON — To ban Donald Trump or not to ban Donald Trump — that is the question British lawmakers are considering Monday. Members of the British Parliament are currently debating whether to bar the billionaire businessman and Republican presidential front-runner from the United Kingdom in the wake of his controversial proposal to temporarily ban Muslims […]