How the Arabs Were Deceived: Lessons Still Unlearned

How the Arabs Were Deceived: Lessons Still Unlearned

The Arab Revolt Against the Ottoman Empire and the Sykes-Picot Betrayal: How Arabs Were Deceived by the British and French Throughout the early 20th century, the Middle East was undergoing dramatic political shifts. Arab leaders, longing for independence, saw an opportunity to break free from the Ottoman Empire, which had ruled large swaths of the […]

Robert Spencer Very Upset About Lindsay Lohan Alleged Conversion to Islam

The notorious and well-known Islamophobe and anti-Muslim bigot, Robert Spencer, who civil rights organizations including the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League label a “hate group leader” could hardly contain his anger and frustration in his latest tirade against Lindsay Lohan alleged conversion to Islam: She didn’t say what “true meaning” she found in […]

Fact Check: Fox News Claims Georgia dad pleads guilty to starving toddler to death; case may be linked to ‘Islam-based cult’: police

Georgia dad pleads guilty to starving toddler to death; case may be linked to 'Islam-based cult': police

Fox News Paulina Dedaj posted on, a glaring headline “Georgia dad pleads guilty to starving toddler to death; case may be linked to ‘Islam-based cult’: police” Islam based cult?  Fox News stated:  “Investigators also discovered during the execution of a search warrant, copious amounts of literature and notes in reference to ritualistic behavior and the Nuwaubian […]

Mike Jones: The misconceptions (lies) about Islam

By Mike Jones Associate Editor I’m dipping into the old mail bag (actually it’s the old email bag) this week to address some concerns of a reader. I don’t expect my answers to change anyone’s mind, but this reader brings up a subject that I see in other missives to me and on social media. […]

Response to: “The Superiority of Judeo-Christian Faith”

Response to: "The Superiority of Judeo-Christian Faith"

On PJMedia, Mr. Quin Hillyer compares Christianity (in all of its denominations) and Judaism (in all of its denominations) and Islam (with just one broad stroke — as if all of the teachings of Islam are unanimously agreed upon by all of its professed followers) – therein lies part of the difference between Mr. Hillyer […]

Corporate Lessons from ‎Quran‬: Ask for the Bigger Position

Are you competent? Can you do things in your company in a better way than others? Is your credibility and integrity established? Can you turn around the company? Are you confident to bring financial discipline in your company? Are you competent enough to take care of bottom line of your organization? Can you maximize the […]

The evil of honor killings

The evil of honor killing is has been on increase in our society and we have failed to nip this evil in the bud.

The evil of honor killing is has been on increase in our society and we have failed to nip this evil in the bud. This has taken numerous innocent lives and on July 15, 2016 Qandeel Baloch, a social media celebrity was killed by her brother. That she just went against the self-engineered discourses of […]

Allah – the Moon God Myth

Debunking the Moon god Myth

PROPAGANDA “Is Allah the God of the Bible, or is Allah the moon god of ancient Arabia?” “…much like “YHWH/Yahweh/Jehovah” is the personal name of the God of the Bible, “Allah” is also the personal name of the moon god, the chief among the three-hundred sixty pagan idols that were worshipped in Mecca, the home […]